chapter 14

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Delaney POV
I woke up to a loud bang from the hallway. I ran out of my room to find Christian in the kitchen, and a bowl shattered on the floor.
"Hey, what happened?" I asked going over to help him get to the chair .
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, I was just trying to serve myself a bowl of cereal" he sighed.
"You should've went to get me, you're going to hurt yourself more if you fall" I replied picking up the big pieces of the bowl.

I could tell he was getting more and more frustrated as the days with his injury passed. But today he was going to begin his therapies/recovery. He was able to convince the Barcelona team to allow him to go to their training facility for the time we were here.

I planned to drop him off today before I had to go to meet my model agent.

I served him a bowl of food and walked over to the bathroom to get ready. As I was showering I couldn't stop thinking of Pedri. And I don't know why. I was always attracted to him, but this felt different. The guys have told me he's a player though, so I kept trying to avoid raising any hope.

I walked back out and got dressed for the day.


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delaney.Lopez posted on their story: quick fit check 💗

I ate the same as Christian while he got ready. We grabbed our things and walked out the door.

It was only a 10-15 minute drive away, so we got there pretty quickly. I helped Christian with his gym bag as he carefully got out. We walked inside.

"Hola Christian. It's so good to see you" the trainer said walking over to greet us. He showed us a bit around, since we would be coming often.
"Practice is actually happening right now, you can come take a look" he said, leading us outside.

We walked out to where there was the training field. All the players were sprinting, and the coaches were standing on the side.

"Xavi, this is Christian. I'm sure you've heard of him" the trainer said. Xavi smiled and shook Christian's hand.
"Nice to meet you, officially" he replied
"You as well" Chris said
"And this is my best friend, Delaney" Christian smiled signaling towards me.
"It's such an honor to meet you sir. You're literally a Barcelona legend " I smiled shaking his hand.

I remember Chris and I watching Barcelona play as kids, and Xavi was always amazing to watch.

"You're too kind" Xavi replied smiling.

"Have you met the team? I'd like to introduce you both" Xavi said. He blew his whistle and called for the team to jog over.

I looked around to find Gavi and pedri. I smiled once I saw Gavi, who came over and gave me a small hug.
"Sorry I'm sweaty" he laughed
"That's okay" I replied.

"Everyone, I would like you to officially meet Christian Pulisic We played against him not too long ago. Unfortunately he's suffered a bit of an injury, so he's taking some time off here in Barcelona. We've allowed him to use the training facility along with our therapists, so he'll be around often. And this is Delaney, I'm sure we'll see her around as well" Xavi smiled. I nodded.

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