chapter 36

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Charles ended P4 in practice, which is really good. So today being the Grand Prix, he gets to start in 4th. He's feeling a bit more calm and relaxed which I'm glad for.

We were currently eating breakfast with Marc at the Ferrari building. Charles carried Marc while I sat across from them.

"So, how are you feeling about today?" I say as I take a sip of my coffee.
"Good, I'm feeling a lot better. Yesterday we did really well" he replies. I nod, "yeah that was a great practice. Even Carlos did well. I'm hopefully for today. I'm sure you'll do great" I say.
"Thanks love, I always appreciate your support. I have the best good luck charms here today" he smiles and kisses Marc's cheek and then my hand. Marc smiles and looks up at Charles.

We finish eating, and hang out for a bit until Charles has to leave to warm up.

We walk over near the pits and to his room. Charles changes into his driver suit as I keep Marc entertained with a few toys. The trainer comes and helps Charles warm up for a bit, and even eventually it's time for him to go.

"Time to wish papa good luck Marc" I say. Charles picks him up and kisses his cheek.
"je t'aime Marc" he says. Marc giggles and places his hand in Charles lips.
"Good luck baby. You've got this, I'm so proud of you regardless. I love you" I say as I get closer to Charles. He pulls me into his arms and I place a kiss on his lips.
"I love you both so much. I'll see you after princess" he smiles kissing me one last time. He hands Marc over to me and walks out of the room.
"Let's go watch papa" I say to marc. First I change his diaper quickly and then carry him out. We watch as Charles gets into the car and gets ready. He waves at us as he drives away. Marc smiles and waved back.

The mechanics pass me some headphones to cancel the noise out for Marc. I put them on him, and to my surprise he keeps them on. We watch as the race begins.


The race is ending and Charles is leading the Grand Prix! We all rush out to crowd against the gate to watch his last lap. I set Marc up so he can see.

We watch as Charles drives by and even waves at us

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We watch as Charles drives by and even waves at us. I'm so happy at how attentive Marc is, and how excited he gets. We cheer and clap as we celebrate for P1. We walk over to wait for Charles at the finish mark with the mechanics. He jumps out of the car and runs over to us first. He hugs Marc and kisses my lips.

"I'm so proud of you baby! You deserve this" I smile.
"I couldn't have done it without you two" he replies.
"Now go, celebrate!" I say he nods and runs over to his team.


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P1 baby ❤️❤️
user1: woooo
cmpulisic: congratulations 🎉
user2: charlesss

We celebrate and cheer for Charles as he walks up to receive the trophy. Marc is still very attentive and is clapping with everyone else. Charles is then pull over to do the media interviews. We follow behind him and stand to the side.

"Look how happy papi is" i say to Marc.
"Hey sweetie, we found you" I hear someone say. I turn around to see Charles mother and brother, Arthur. I smile and give them each a hug. We're all very happy about charles win.
"You two should go out and celebrate" arthur says to me as Marc laughs with his grandmother.
"Maybe we will go out to dinner, but not too late because Marc needs to be in bed" I reply.
"Why don't we watch him? You both deserve a night out. You've done this all alone for months now" Charles mother says.
"I mean, I don't want to take advantage" I say.
"It's no problem at all. And we love spending time with marc" she replies.
"Okay, sure you have a point" I smile.
"Starting now" Arthur laughs. He grabs Marc out of my arms as Marc waved goodbye to me.
"Behave my handsome boy" I say kissing his cheek. They hug me and walk away with Marc.

Charles looks at me and smiles as if he already knows. I stand back and watch him give his interviews. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see pedri.
"Hola pedri!" I say as he pulls me in for a hug.
"Hey, long time no see" he laughs.
"I know. I know" I reply.
He congratulates me on Charles win and tells me how happy they were for him.
"So when are you coming back home?" He smiles.
"I'm not sure. I want to go back soon but with the baby and all I haven't thought about it" I reply.
"Well, we all miss you, I miss you and-"
"Ready to go?" Charles says as he interrupts pedri.
"Oh, sure give me a second" I say to Charles. He grabs my arm and tries to pull me away.
"I should go, we'll talk later though?" I say to pedri.
"Congratulations Charles" he says, and gives a small smile.

"Charles what the hell? That was so rude" I say pulling my arm away.
"Why does he always have to be everywhere. Why can't he just leave us alone?" He rolls his eyes. We're now walking back to his room.
"I don't know what you're problem is but you need to relax" I say shutting the door.
"He is my problem. He needs to stay away, we just wants to split us up. Plus he completely ghosted you, and I know you were hurt about it. He doesn't deserve to have you in his life"
"Why do we always have to argue about this?" I sigh.
"Why does he always have to show up?" He shrugs.
"Charles, I came to be with you. I'm here to support you and you're being really annoying right now"
"Then just go. I don't want to argue" he replies.
"Wow. Are you serious? Fine. Enjoy your night" I roll my eyes and walk out and shut the door.

I call an Uber back to the hotel. As soon as I arrive I get a message from Arthur letting me know that Marc is asleep, and they'll bring him over in the morning.

I thank him as I enter my hotel room. I change into my pjs and get ready for bed. Tomorrow we have to fly to Abu Dhabi for the next Grand Prix, and I'll need to rest if I have to deal with Charles being annoying.

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