chapter 45

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the next day.

I wake up to the sound of Marc crying. I turn and look at the clock, 5:45am. I sigh as I get up from bed and walk over to Marc's room.

"What's wrong amor?" I say as I walk up to his crib. He puts his arms up and I pick him up into my arms. He still cries, and I rub his back as I sway him back and forth to calm him down.

His small whimpers break my heart. I can't figure out why he's so upset, but eventually he calms down. He must have had a bad dream. I continue to carry him and walk around the house, to try and get him to calm down.
"Papa" he points at a picture of Charles.
"There's papa with you when you were born" I say. He stares immensely at the photo, and his faces looks sad.

Eventually he falls asleep looking at the picture. I set him down carefully back in his crib, so he can get some extra sleep.

By now my chances of going back to sleep are slim, so I get ready for the day. I begin to clean up around the house, especially now that Marc walks there's always toys everywhere. I clean the kitchen and dele clean the bathrooms as well.

I then walk over to make some breakfast, by now about 2 hours have passed and Marc will probably wake up again.


As I'm finishing up the eggs, I hear Marc yell. "Mama!"
I turn the stove off and walk over to his room.
"Buenos días" I smile as I enter the room. I can tell he still not his usual self, but he smiles back.
I kiss his cheek and pick him up. I change his diaper and we head out to the kitchen to eat.

We sit down and eat breakfast together.
"Are you feeling better?" I ask.
He nods his head as he stuffs his mouth with strawberries. I laugh.

We finish up breakfast, and by now he's a mess. We walk back to his room and get him changed into a new outfit for the day. We then head to my room, and I change out of my pjs as well.

Marc runs off into the living room as I clean up my room. I then walk out to find him. I sit down with him so we can play together.

Delaneylopez mi amor 💗user1: aww he must love cars haha     delaneylopez: just like his dad :) cmpulisic: I wonder who got him that supercool hat😏    masonmount: not you bc you have no taste 🥱     delaneylopez: hahahahuser2: minicharles

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mi amor 💗
user1: aww he must love cars haha
    delaneylopez: just like his dad :)
cmpulisic: I wonder who got him that supercool hat😏
    masonmount: not you bc you have no taste 🥱
    delaneylopez: hahahah
user2: minicharles

Marc and I are playing when suddenly the doorbell rings. His eyes light up, as he loves having guests over.

I get up and peak out the window to see who it is. I open the door quickly as I see it's Arthur and Mrs.Leclerc.
"We're back!" She says with the biggest smile.
"I didn't know you were coming" I smile back. She pulls me into a hug, and we stand there for a moment. I move over to them in.
"It's nice to see you too Arthur" I say hugging him.
"You too" he replies.
"Say hi to mémé and your tio Arthur" I say to Marc. He runs up and hugs them both.

"You're getting so big my beautiful boy" she says picking him up. She kisses his cheek and he hugs her back.

My eyes begin to tear up, as I see how happy they both are.
"Looks just like Charles" Arthur smiles.
"Yes, more and more everyday" I reply.

We take a seat in the living room as Marc gets Arthur to play with him.
"So sorry we came without notice, but we wanted to surprise you both" mrs leclerc says.
"I love having you both over. It's not problem at all"
"So how have things been? Are you both doing okay?" She asks.
I sigh. "Doing the best I can. It's harder some days, but we're doing okay" I reply.
"I can see he's a happy boy. You're doing just great I'm sure"
"Yeah. And Charles is doing better slowly, so I'm glad. It'll be any day now that he'll wake" I say.
She nods.
"The nurses have told be you go often still. Which I appreciate and love. But we also need to make sure you're taking time to care for yourself. It's a complicated situation. But you deserve to be selfish too. Go have fun, be selfish" she says putting her hand on my shoulder.
I shrug.
"What about that kind boy? Pedro? Was that his name?"
I smile. "What about him?" I reply.
"Well, I can tell he likes you. And he's such a sweet boy. Maybe try it out" she smiles.
"I- I do like him. But I want to be respectful of Charles and I relationship. What will people think of-" she smiles and interrupts me.
"Sweetie, who cares what people think? I know you enough to know you don't mean any harm. You and Charles loved each other very much, but it wasn't mean to be for you to be together. I can tell you'll still always care about him. Again, be selfish. Think about YOU for once. I promise you'll regret it if you dont"

I take in everything she's said to me. And I appreciate that she's telling me all of this because I was feeling very guilty.
"Actually, he did ask me on a date today" I blush.
"Yes! Go go on your date. Well watch marc" she replies. I hug her.
"I appreciate you telling me all of this. I'm so glad we all became family"
"We'll always be here for you. As I know you will for us. As long as we both know what's going on, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks" she says. I nod.
"You're right.


A few hours later, Pedro texted me that he was getting ready and would be on his way. I walked over to shower and get changed. I wasn't really sure where we were going, so I struggled to find what to wear.

I brushed my hair and applied some makeup. I walked back into the living room. Marc was outside playing with Arthur, and Mrs leclerc was making them dinner.

"You look beautiful" she smiles as she sees me.
"Thank you" I reply.

The door opens, to reveal Pedro standing with some flowers. I blush as I see him look me up and down.
"Come in" I say.
"Good afternoon" he says to everyone.
"These are for you" he blushes as he hands me a bouquet of flowers.
"I love them. Gracias Pedro" I reply and walk over to place them in water.

"Pepi pepi!" Marc runs in and jumps into pedris arms.
"Hola campeón. You look so handsome today" Pedri smiles. I smile as Marc tries to explain to him what they were playing outside.

He sets Marc down, who runs back with Arthur.
"Ready to head out?" Pedri says. I nod.
"Thanks again for watching him" I say as I hug Mrs leclerc.
"Of course. Now you two have fun. I mean it" she says and looks at both of us. We look at each other and smile.

We walk out of the house, and I walk over to say goodbye to Marc.
"Be good amor. I'll be back soon" I say kissing his cheek.
"Bye bye mama" he says as he waves.

"Be good to her!" Arthur yells at pedri. Pedro looks scared and I laugh.
"Bye Arthur!" I reply.

We get into the car, and drive off.
"He's crazy" I say.
"So where are you taking me?" I ask
"It's a surprise" Pedri smirks.
"Oh wow, I can't believe you won't tell me" I say back. He smiles.

We drive towards the city, as the night begins.

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