Chapter 51

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Everyone looks around me in shock. I don't even know how to react.
"We need to go now, I need to-"
"Hey, let's calm down. If we freak out things will get stressful" Arthur says with tears in his eyes. I nod and take a deep breath.

The ceremony ends and we meet back at the Ferrari garage. Carlos walks over and hugs Marc and I.
"Everything okay? I saw you run off" he asks me.
"Charles, he's awake. He's back" I say, his eyes begin to widen and he pulls me into a hug.
"That's amazing. I can't believe it, it's a miracle" he replies. I nod.
"I know. We just need to find the next available flight now" I sigh as I pull my phone out.
"It'll take hours before the next flight leaves. Why don't you take my plane? It'll be quicker" Carlos says.
"I- that's too kind Carlos. I'm not sure"
"Please do. Im Sure Charles is in chock and confused he needs you both as soon as possible" Carlos replies.
"Okay. Thank you thank you so much Carlos. I don't know how I'll ever repay you" I smile hugging him.
"Just make sure Charles is safe and healthy" he smiles as he lets me go.

We all rush back to the hotel to pack our things. Luckily we didn't unpack too much, so it's quick. We take an Uber to the airport to get to Carlos' plane. Pedro helps me with my bags as I hold Marc in my arms. It's past his nap time, so he's a bit cranky.
"We're almost there amor. You can sleep on the plane" I kiss his cheek as we do our best to hurry.


We make it on the plane luckily. Pedro, Arthur, Mrs leclerc, Marc and I all take our seats. We all still can't believe what's happening. Marc falls asleep in my arms shortly after we take off.

"See, everything is working out. It'll all be okay" Pedro looks at me and smiles as he grabs my hand.
"I'm so happy he's back" I reply.
"I'm glad too. You're strong. I know he must not be feeling great, but I know you'll make sure he's okay" Pedro says as he kisses my hand.

He's been so patient and kind with me, always supportive during weird moments like this. I don't know how he does it.


We arrive back in Barcelona at the airport. Luckily Pedro parked his car at the airport, so he can drive us straight to the hospital.

We arrive at the hospital, Marc still half asleep.
"We shouldn't wake Marc. He had a long day" Mrs leclerc says. I nod.
"I Can stay with him until he wakes up. I'll take him up as soon as he does" Pedro says.
"Gracias Pedro" I reply as I kiss his cheek.
"It's nothing. Now go be with Charles" he smiles as we get out of the car.

We rush inside and straight to his room. We walk in and there are multiple nurses and doctors in the room, blocking the bed. I do my best to move past everyone until eventually I make it to the edge. I see him sitting there, looking tired and confused at everything. I freeze and then his eyes meet with mine. I run over to his side and he pulls me into a hug.

"Charles! Im so glad you're okay. I missed you so much. I'm so happy you're here" I cry into his shoulder. I let go and see his eyes water.
"I'm so glad you're here too. I can't remember anything, I don't know anything. It's all so frustrating I don't know what they're asking me" he says. I can tell he is very much frustrated.
"It's okay. I'm here for you. We're going to get through this together, okay?" I hold his hand and kiss his forehead. He nods and I wipe his tears.

Arthur and Mrs leclerc rush over and hug him as well. Everyone is overjoyed that he's back. Luckily he remembers us and all. He just can't seem to remember the accident or how long he's been gone. We do our best to tell the story without causing him to get too upset because it's not good for him. Slowly doctors begin to exit, leaving just one nurse behind to keep an eye on his vitals.

Mrs leclerc and Arthur head down to the cafeteria to grab her some water to help her calm down. I sit and face Charles, his hand in mine.
"My sweet Charles. You can't imagine how much I've missed you. I didn't know how much longer I could do it without you. I need you, Marc needed you" I say with tears in my eyes once again. He uses his other hand to slowly wipe my tears away.
"I'm sorry princess. I hope that you had someone to care for you while I was gone. I tried to make sure of it"
"That was you? With Pedro?"

We're interrupted by the door opening. In walks Pedro with Marc in his arms.
"Look who it is Marc. Your papa" Pedro says. Marc lifts his head and looks over. His eyes light up like never before. Pedro sets him down and he runs over to the bedside.
"Papa! Papa!" Marc smiles. I lift him up and sit him next to Charles.
"My beautiful boy. You've grown so much now. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm so sorry" Charles cries as he pulls Marc into a hug and rubs his cheeks.
"Amo papa" Marc kisses Charles on the cheek and hugs him again.

I can't believe how young Marc is but still understands the situation. The love they have for each other never left. They truly are each others best friend.

"Pedro, thank you for taking care of them both. I know you did and I hope we can move past our issues" Charles smiles at Pedro who nods.
"I'm just glad you're okay. You were very missed" Pedro replies.

We watch as Marc catches up with Charles about everything he's done and learned.

Pedro motions for me to walk over to him.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah it's great. I was going to tell you that I'm going to head back home. I Can come back and pick any of you up if you need a ride home" Pedro says to me.
"You're leaving?"
"Yeah, Im a bit tired. And I don't want to get in the way" he replies.
"You're not. But I get that you're tired. Thank you so much for everything Pedro. I'm so happy that you're in our lives" I smile and lean over to kiss him.
"Me too. I'll see you soon. Call me if you need anything" he kisses my cheek and walks out the door.

I walk back over to Marc and Charles. Arthur and Mrs leclerc return shortly after and we continue to catch up and discuss everything that had happened. Charles still as to stay overnight, but can leave in the morning. I'm just so thankful that he didn't forget any of us.

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