chapter 19

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the next day.

I woke up and went on my run like usual. I had to stay in shape and running helped me clear my mind. I got interrupted by a phone call.

Pedro 🙄🫶


buenos diass

hola Pedro. Everything okay?

Yeah, of course. What are you up to?

I'm on my run actually.

Ah okay. Well I'll let you get back to it. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come hang out. I'm leaving tonight to go see my parents before we all leave for the World Cup.

Oh um okay sure. Let me just get ready and I'll be over.

Great, I can't wait.

I hung up and finished my run back home. I made myself a quick smoothie to go, and then headed to shower and get changed.


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cmpulsic: I wonder who got you that purse :)
user2: where is pedri??
user 3: are you with pedri??

I grabbed my smoothie and walked out to the car. It was a bit warmer than usual outside, which was nice. I drove towards Pedri's house. He lived on a fairly quiet street, and I was glad no one was around. I walked up to the door and knocked. His brother, Fernando, opened the door with a smile.

"Buenos dias, come in" He said moving to the side.

"Buenos dias, gracias" I replied.

"Pedro is outside in the back, I was heading out. I'll see you around" He said.

"Okay, thank you" I smiled walking towards the backdoor.

Pedri laid on the lawn chair with his eyes closed, taking in the sun. I smiled as he looked so peaceful. I carefully walked over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Suddenly he pulled me closer and sat me on his lap.

"Buenos dias princesa. You look very good today" He said with that beautiful smile of his. I felt my cheeks get hot, as I was complimented. I loved his confidence, it was very attractive.

"Gracias Pedro" I replied.

"Although, I think I forgot your swimsuit" I said shaking my head.

"It's literally winter. It's cold" He laughed.

"Trust me, this is warm in America. I wasn't raised a beach girl like you" I said messing with his hair.

"Guess you were unlucky" He said sarcastically.

We sat by the pool and talked and got to know each other more. I was trying not to, but I was falling for him, hard. Everyday I fell more in love with him. I was really trying my best to be patient with him.


It was now closer to lunch time, so we decided to go out. There was a small sushi place nearby, so we decided to walk. He held my hand gently the entire way there as we made each other laugh.

We arrived at the restaurant and sat down at a table as we looked at the menu.

"So who are you rooting for in this World Cup?" Pedri smirked

"Don't make me answer this" I laughed

"Come on, I won't tell" He smiled.

"Nope. I don't want to make anyone feel bad" I replied

"It's okay. I know it's me either way" He smirked. I shook my head and laughed.


We finished lunch, and walked back out. I wanted to get to know the neighborhood a bit, so we took the long way to his home.

pedri posted on their story: pretty girl looking at pretty flowers

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pedri posted on their story: pretty girl looking at pretty flowers

"Pedroo" I said blushing at his instagram story.

"What?" He replied

"People are going to start more rumors" I said

"I don't care what they say or want to think. I like you, and when you're my girlfriend I am going to make it clear" He said holding my hand.

I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled.


We got to his house, and we stayed at the front entrance.

"Well, I should get home so you can finish packing" I said

"Thanks for coming today. I had a lot of fun" He smiled.

"Me too" I smiled back

"I'll see you in Qatar then?" he said grabbing my hand.

"Of course. I'll text you. Have a safe trip, and have fun" I said leaving over to kiss his cheek.

"Gracias. Buenas noches princesa" He said kissing my forehead.

"Buenas noches Pedro" i replied as I walked back towards my car. I waved as I drove off.

I got home and sat down in the living room to watch tv. I was excited to go to Qatar, I missed Christian and the guys, and Sofia. Even though I had made friends here in Barcelona, it wasn't the same, we weren't exactly close yet.


a week later.

It was finally the day. I was flying to Qatar for the World Cup! The days had gone by so slow. But I was happy it finally came.

I grabbed my bags as the Uber notified me they were outside. I walked out and got into the car, as he drove towards the airport. I looked at my phone and refreshed my messages. Pedro hadn't messaged me since two days ago, which was weird. I know we aren't dating, but it was not like him. He would always message me in the morning at least. Oh well, maybe he was busy with his family, which was understandable.

I got to the airport and checked in, then walked over to my gate. I texted Christian to let him know I was about to leave soon.

We boarded the plane and I took a seat and grabbed my AirPods.

"Miss, you're going to have to put your phone in Airplane Mode please" The flight attendant smiled.

"Sorry, sure" I replied. I went to my home screen to change the setting. The last thing that appeared on my screen,

2 messages from Pedro🙄🫶 :


Please forgive me.

I was so confused, I tried to change the setting, but I already had no signal. What happened? What was he sorry for!?

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