chapter 7

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Delaney POV
I woke up early and went to the bathroom to change into my workout clothes. I walked back out and grabbed my phone.

1 notification: message from Charles L

Charles L

good morning :)

good morning charles

up early too?

yeah, I like to go on my run early morning 🙂

very efficient aren't you? 😏

I try 🥱

haha, well just wanted to make sure you're coming today. I'll send a car for you 🙂

I wouldn't miss it. And aww that's very sweet of you

It's nothing. :) you can bring Christian if you'd like, so you're not alone

Okay, thank you!

I'll see you soon then

See you soon charles. Good luck :))

I grabbed my headphones, and headed downstairs. After filing my water bottle, I walked out the door and began to listen to music as I began my run.


I got back to the house, and found Christian already awake.

"Morning chris" I smiled hugging him
"You smell" he laughed hugging me back
"Sorry!" I pouted grabbing a banana.
"Oh before I forget, Charles invited us to his charity race today. He'll send a car for us" I said
"Sweet. That's cool. I forgot to ask last night, how was your date?" He smiled
"Very good. He's so sweet and such a gentleman" I replied blushing
"I'm glad you had a good time. I guess we'll see where you guys end up, huh?" He replied
"Yeah" I smiled finishing eating.

I walked back upstairs to shower and get ready. It was warm out, and sunny.

I walked back downstairs to hang out with everyone while we waited for the car to come pick us up.


The driver called us letting us know he was outside. Kai and Sofia had gone out, and joao went out so we were bringing mason with us, which Charles said was okay.

We walked outside and got into the car before the driver took off.

We eventually got to the race track, and it was crowded with a lot of people. The traffic was terrible, but the driver found his ways around. He took us through the back entrance, where there seemed to be more security. It seemed like they knew who he was, so they let us through. Eventually he dropped us off near the entrance, where I saw Charles outside.

"Thank you" I smiled to the driver as he left.
"Hey! You made it" Charles smiled
"Hey, thanks again for inviting us. I'm so excited" I replied hugging him. He smelled perfect once again.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming" he said putting his hand out as he shook Christian's then masons.
"Thanks for letting us tag along" Mason replied
"Well, come on in. I'll show you around" he said opening the gate.

We walked in, and walked until we got to the Ferrari section. Everyone smiled as they looked at us, but they all looked really busy.
"It's a bit hectic, but you should see us on a Grand Prix day"  Charles laughed.
"You now that this is my first race?" I said looking at him
"No way, really?" He replied. I nodded
"Well I'm glad to be part of it" he said. Mason and Christian walked behind us, looking around and taking pictures. They were free to walk around and such since we were Charles guests.

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