chapter 9

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Delaney POV
A few hours later, Christian and I sat in the living room, practice was about to begin, and we turned the tv on to watch. I had faith in Charles, and knew he would do good as long as he was focused. I smiled as the tv zoomed in on him, and he smiled like always.

His lap began, and in the end he won P3, I cheered him on as if he could hear me. I quickly grabbed my phone to text him.

Charles 💗

congratulations baby im so proud of you💗you did great!

I set my phone down, not expecting a response right away of course. Just then the doorbell rang, Christian got up to open it.

"Hey! Come on in" I heard him say. I looked up to see who it was, and joao walked in with Gavi and Pedri behind him. I smiled as they followed Christian into the living room. I turned the tv volume down.

"Hey guys" I smiled, and joao walked over to hug me. He sat besides me.
"We just stopped by quickly to pick up Chris" Joao said looking at me
"Oh, right it's guys night out" I said jokingly
"Don't start making fun of us" Christian laughed
"Yeah, but we decided to invite some of the Barcelona guys since they're here. You know we're good at separating work and fun" Joao said nudging me.
"Cuidado, pueden volverse locos estos dos juntos" I said looking at Gavi and Pedri.
"Gracias" Gavi laughed. Pedri didn't talk much but he smiled. And I caught him just staring at me a few times, but I shrugged it off, maybe it was just my mind.

Christian walked up to finish getting ready, leaving me with the guys.
"Why aren't you coming?" Pedri said looking right at me.
"Oh, well I don't usually go out with them all the time" I smiled
He nodded.
"AND she will have had plenty of fun with her boyfriend, especially after that" Joao smirked as he pointed at the screen.
"What do you mean?" Gavi said confused
"Shut up joao" I replied
"Her boyfriend is Charles Leclerc, Formula 1 racer...ring a bell??" He said
"No way. I had no idea" Gavi said surprised. Pedri got serious for a bit, but then continued to smile at me.

"Yeah, we've been together almost a year. Tomorrow will be my first race with him, so not many people know" I replied.
We all looked at the tv, and saw them filming charles in an interview.

"So charles, P3, the team must be very happy with that result" the reporter said
"Yes, so happy. Thanks to the team of course, we did fantastic" he smiled before running his hand through his hair. My favorite thing he does. I blushed and smiled at the screen.
"And how prepared are you feeling for tomorrow?"
"I'm so excited for tomorrow. Of course I love race day, and I'm feeling great and ready to aim for the podium"
"Thanks so much for your time Charles, good luck" she smiled
"Thanks to you" he smiled walking away.

"No need to drool now" joao laughed poking my cheek
"You're just jealous" I replied pushing him away
"Yeah yeah whatever" he said getting up
"Can I grab a drink?" He said already walking towards the kitchen
"Of course. You guys can go ahead and grab anything as well. Joao knows where it all is" I smiled looking at Gavi and pedri.
"I'll have a water" Gavi said getting up and following. Pedri stayed at the couch and watched the tv, and then looked at me.
"So how serious are you and Charles?" He said raising an eyebrow
"What do you mean?" I said nervously
"I mean like do you actually like each other" he laughed
"Um, of course we do. Why are you asking, that's a bit weird" I said awkwardly
"Well you're a very attractive girl, I just wanted to see my options" he smirked
"Thanks but, there's no chance" I said looking away.
"I'll be the judge of that" he smirked again getting up

"Ready to go?" Joao said as they walked back over, with Gavi and Christian following.
Pedri nodded and they stood near the door.
"Alright, I'll see you later kiddo. Give Charles my congratulations" Christian said as he hugged me
"I will. And let me know if I need to pick you up, don't drive home irresponsibly" I said seriously
"Okay okay" he smiled
"See you around" joao smiled hugging me as well. Gavi did the same as they began walking out the door.
"We'll see each other soon princesa" pedri whispered as he gave me a small hug. I cleared my throat and didn't respond.

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