chapter 21

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As soon as we arrived, the smell of alcohol filled the entire room. People were dancing, drinking, and it became clear to me that this wasn't a typical celebrity club. You know like the ones where eveyone is dressed fancy, and they're not really having fun. I appreciated that this was different, it meant we were really going to have fun.

We all walked over to a small bar table, and ordered some drinks. We grabbed them and made our way over to a booth so we could all have a place to sit. I took a sip of my drink and began to move my head to the music. I planned to have a great night and try and make this trip better, it would be dumb for me to ruin it because of a guy.

"You look happier" Christian smiled as he looked over at me. I nodded, as he slowly got up.
"Let's dance" he said with his hand put out for me to grab. I put my hand in his as he pulled me up slowly.

We made our way over to the dance floor and began to move with the rhythm of the up-beat music. It felt good to have my best friend back with me. There was never a dull moment with him.

"YOOO CHRISTIAN PULISIC, my man!" Someone yelled we turned to look and saw as his USMNT teammate began to walk over. We both laughed, as we could clearly tell they had too much to drink already.
"Hey Weston, it's nice to see you" Christian smiles as they shook hands and hugged.
"Your remember Delaney right?
"Obviously" Weston replied as he hugged me and kissed my hand.

He continued to talk with Christian, and we soon realized he wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"I'll steal her from you mate" Mason said walking over, as he grabbed my arm. Chris nodded and mouthed, "I'm sorry" .
"It's okay" I smiled and mouthed back.

I followed Mason over to another spot on the dance floor as we began to dance.
"Damn no wonder you haven't found a girlfriend" I joked as masons dance moves caused me to giggle.
"Ouch. This isn't my best music genre. Trust me" he winked.
"All right time to slow it downn" the DJ, who I realized was Lando Norris said into the microphone.

The weird things you find at celebrity parties.

He began to play a slow song as Mason smirked once again and pulled me closer to him. I leaned my head on his chest and sighed. He rubbed my back, as if comforting me.

"You'll find someone, but for now, we're here for you" Mason whispered.
"Thanks Mase" I replied.

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt some eyes on me. I looked over to see him. Pedro Gonzalez, with his jaw clenched looking at me and Mason.

I wasn't scared obviously, but I wasn't ready to see him. My heart began to beat a bit faster, as I began to feel nervous.
"What's wrong?" Mason said lifting my head.
"Nothing" I sighed and tried to shake it off.
Mason looked over and noticed pedri as well.

"Look, he didn't care to hurt you. So pay no attention to him. Just have fun" Mason smiled.
I nodded, "can we go grab a drink first" I replied.
"Of course we can" he said as he put his arm around me and we walked back to the booth. He ordered another drink for me as we sat down with the others.

"Not to freak you out, but Pedri is here" joao said looking at me.
"I know"
"Oh, shit. He's coming this way" joao said as we all turned to look over.

I tried my best to seem careless but it was hard. Mason had an arm placed around me as he looked up from his phone.

"Podemos hablar? Pedri said in a serious tone.
"No tengo nada que hablar contigo" I rolled my eyes, and did my best to not get upset. The alcohol was definitely helping.
"Delaney, porfa"
"Ugh, you just don't stop do you" I said as I gave in.

"I'll be back" I said signaling to Mason to let me out of the booth.
"Are you sure?" Mason said confused as he slowly got up.
"I'll be okay" I replied as I followed pedri. He took me outside so it was easier to hear.

I looked down as we leaned against the all that was outside. I don't know why I even came out to talk to him. But my heart told me to follow him.

"Look, I just wanted to say that nothing really happened. I think you deserve to know that"
"Why? Why does it matter? Clearly I didn't even deserve some respect from you" I replied.
"I'm sorry. It's hard for me to commit to someone right now, I'm not used to it"
"Fuck off, that's a dumb excuse"
"I really like you. I don't know what happened" he said shaking his head.
"I can't do this, it's too early to have this conversation" I said walking away.
"Delaney-" is all I heard before I walked back into the club.

I wasn't going to wait around for his dumb excuses. If you really like someone you wouldn't have done what he did, especially after leading me on. I was moving on from being sad to being upset and pissed off.

I walked back near the booth and smiled as I chugged my drink.
"Everything okay?" Christian asked as I took a seat next to him.
"I'm fine"


It was around 12:00am and we had to get going. There was no training for the boys but tomorrow was the day where the entire teams would arrive so they were going to be under more strict rules. Only allowed to go out on certain days, and only allowed to see family/friends on certain days. Which sucked, but it was good so they wouldn't get distracted.

We called an Uber to come pick us up, as we all waited outside. A black suv pulled up to the front, Christian opened the back door so Sofia and I could get in. We moved to the backseats so we would all fit.


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Delaney.Lopez posted on their story: no indirects here..

The drive to the hotel wasn't long, and once we arrived only Sofia and I got off.

"Have a good night boys. I'll see you soon Chris" I smiled hugging him. Kai and Sofia said their goodbyes as well. We hurried inside, as the suv drove off to drop them off at their hotel.

We walked over to the elevator and were rushed by a few other people who also got in. It was crowded for it to be late at night. Sofia and I tried to hide our laugh as we felt uncomfortable, as well as the alcohol that was in our system.

We got off at our floor, leaving the other guests confused by our laughter. We walked over to the room, and immediately walked over to the beds. I laid down and threw my heels off, before knocking out. I was exhausted.

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