chapter 46

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We arrive eventually at the most beautiful restaurant ever. I haven't been to a restaurant quite like this in awhile. We park the car, and he walks around to open my door. I smile as he puts his arm out, and intertwines them.
"Gracias" I say. He shuts the door and leads the way inside. It's a very private restaurant, so there aren't many people waiting around.

He checks in for the reservation, and we're immediately taken to our table. It overlooks a small lake, which is beautiful. It's very romantic, and candle lit and quiet inside.

"This is very beautiful, thanks for bringing me" I say. He smiles and plates his hand on top of mine.
"You deserve it".

We begin to look at the menu and place our order as the waitress walks over.

I blush as I catch Pedri glancing at me every now and then.
"You look amazing tonight" he says.
"Pedro, stop making me blush" I say, blushing. He laughs.
"I like your smile. It's cute"
"Well you look very good as well. Nice to see you dressed up and now always in your jerseys, or joggers" I laugh.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say".

For the first time in awhile I let go of all the problems I have. It's just Pedri and I tonight. And he never fails to make me laugh, and smile.

The waitress brings out the food, and we continue to eat and talk.

"So when do you think you'll go back to modeling? That is still what you want to do right?" He asks as he takes a bite of his food.
I sigh, "of course. I love it, it was always my dream job. But I don't know. It's been too much going on and-"
"Don't let that all get in the way. You just said it, it's your dream. Don't let it slip away"
"I know but Marc is still so little, and I don't want to be apart from him much"
"I understand. But there are many people who will be more than happy to pitch in and help. You're not alone"
I nod.
"Don't give up on your dream princesa. You deserve the most" he squeezed my hand to bring me comfort.

We finish up dinner, and get ready to head out. It felt quick but we were there for 4 hours. It went by too quick, I was having a great time.

We walk out to the car and of course it's much darker by now.
"That was great. I had a lot of fun" I say to him as he drives off.
"Me too. Thanks for coming with me. I hope we can do it more often, and bring Marc along" he smiles. He places his hand in mine and I rub his arm.

We sit in silence for awhile, but it's a good kind of silence. It brings comfort and peace. It's still early so we decide on heading to his house to watch a movie, before I head home.

We arrive at his house, and it seems that Fernando is not home. We walk over to the living room, and I take a seat on the couch. He serves us each a glass of wine, as we begin to choose a movie. I slide my heels off, and lean back and against him. He places his arm around me and kisses my head. I could stay like this forever.


Pedri POV
About halfway through the movie, I look down to see Delaney asleep. She's looks so cute asleep, I haven't seen her this peaceful in sometime. I don't want to wake her.

I realize it's late, and i should let Arthur or Mrs.Leclerc know that she's staying. I don't have either of their numbers, so I slowly get up and walk towards the kitchen. I look for the landline number, and call hoping someone will pick it up.

After a few rings, I hear an answer.
"Hello?" It's Arthur.
"Hello Arthur, It's me, pedri"
"Oh, yes. Everything okay?"
"Everything's fine. It's just that Delaney fell asleep, we were watching a movie. I didn't want to wake her, so I was going to check with you two to see if it's okay if you watched Marc for the night?"
He laughs. "Sure. That's fine with us, let her rest"
"Good, okay. How's Marc? Is he doing okay?"
"He was great. He's gone down for his nap. Thanks for letting us know"
"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow"

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