chapter 48

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a few hours later.

It was time to head over to the track for the final practice day before tomorrow. I change out of my airport clothes, and into new ones. We had just finished eating lunch, and wanted to head over to the track early. Arthur was of course racing as well, but in F2. We still wanted to go out and support him.

The doorbell rings, and I walk over to answer it. I am greeted by a delivery man with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I've ever seen.
"Is a Delaney López here?" He asks
"Yes, that's me" I reply.
"Ah, wonderful. These are for you. Have a great day" he smiles as he hands me the flowers. I thank him and shut the door as I take a whiff of the flowers.

"Those are so beautiful" Mrs leclerc says
"I know. I wonder who-" I am about to say before I see a small note.

For the most beautiful princesa in the world. I miss you so much already. You got this, don't let anyone put you down. Here are some beautiful "Ferrari" red tulips. I'll see you soon, te quiero. - pedro <3

I smile as I read the card

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I smile as I read the card.
"I don't even have to guess, I already know" Mrs leclerc says. I laugh and walk towards her to show her. She hands me a glass to place the tulips in, and we leave them on the counter.

Marc had just woken from his nap and was a bit fussy, but I hoped that as soon as we got to the track he would feel better. I carry him as we grab our bags and head out the door. Our driver is waiting for us out front, so we take no time in leaving. I place Marc in his car seat, and sit beside him.

"Home?" He asks as he looks at me.
"No amor, we're going to see your tio Arthur and the race cars"
He looks out the window, and looks confused.

Pedro 🩵

muchas gracias for the flowers Pedro, they are beautiful.

A beautiful girl like you always deserves some flowers:)

🥹🥹you're too sweet

I hope you have fun today! I can't wait to see you tomorrow, enjoy yourself 💗

Gracias pedro. I can't wait to see you💗

We make it to the track, and immediately see the amount of people that are here. I forgot how crowded it gets. The driver pulls over for us to get out. I carry Marc in my arms, and walk towards the entrance. We check in at the security point, which doesn't take long.

The memories of being here start coming back. I can't believe it's been so long since i have been here. We walk over towards the Ferrari, to hopefully catch Arthur. As soon as we head over Marc is amazed by the cars. He squirms around for me to put him down. I do, but hold his hand so he doesn't run off.

"Tio!" He yells. I look over as he runs towards Arthur. Arthur puts his arms out for Marc.

"I've missed you Marc" Arthur says kissing his cheek.
"Hello Arthur, it's so good to see you" I say, he kisses my cheek as well and then greets his mom.
"You guys are here just in time. Carlos is about to start his last lap for practice today" Arthur points over at the crew setting Carlos up.

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