chapter 25

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I wake up so late today. My head is pounding as I open my eyes. I turn to see a note on the bed:

I didn't want to wake you. I had to head off.
Take care, Charles

I yawn before getting up. I turn to look and Sophia is still asleep. I grab my phone so I can lay in bed for a while longer. A notification let's me know that my phone storage is low, which is weird. I go into my photos and realize I had a video from last night that was almost an hour long. I laugh at my dumb self and okay the video.

"Proof that I approve Charles Leclerc to sleep in my bed tonight. Just to sleep" Charles lays beside me as I set the phone down. I continue to let it record without realizing.

A few minutes later.

"Charles, do you still love me?"
"Yes of course I do Mon amour. I always will. But that's not important right now. Just get some rest"

I hit pause on the video and quickly get up. I can't believe Sophia was right. How could I have not seen it? Now I felt extremely bad that Charles had seen pedri and I. I never meant to hurt him, I wish he had just been honest.

Sophia yawns before stretching and sitting up.
"Good morning" she says looking over at me. I look at her as if letting her know I knew something.
"What now?" She asks. I play the video for her and she can't help but smile.
"I told you" she lightly shoves me.
"I need to talk to him, I need-"
"Woah. Slow down. You do, but also take into consideration the fact that you were just hurt. You need to heal, don't rush into anything"
"You're right. I don't want to make it seem like I'm using him" I reply.
"Exactly. Kai and I are going to meet with his parents for lunch, so why don't you take the time to talk to Charles today?"

I nod as I grab my phone to send him a message. He immediately replied back and we agree to meet at his hotel room.

Sophia and I get ready so we can go down to the cafe to have breakfast. We leave the hotel and decide to walk since it's a nice day out. On the way there, we're stopped by paparazzi.

"Delaney, how's it going? How do you feel about the new girl that Pedri was seen with? You two were together, no?" The reporter asks me. I roll my eyes. At this point I'm just annoyed.
"He can do as he wishes. I have nothing to say" I respond as we walk away.

A million thoughts run through my mind, but all I can think is what happened to the sweet and caring Pedri I met in Barcelona.

"He's such an asshole. I can't believe he's already been caught with another girl" Sophia shakes her head as we enter the cafe.
"No excuses at this point" I reply. We take a seat and wait to order our food.


It's now later in the day and Sophia has just left the hotel to go with Kai. It's family day for a few of the teams, which is why she gets to see him.

I hang out at the hotel for a bit before grabbing my things and heading over to Charles room.

I knock on the door and wait patiently for a response. A few seconds later he opens the door with a smile and signals for me to walk in. He shuts the door behind me and we walk over to the couch.

"First I just want to apologize for my actions last night" I turn red in embarrassment and look down.
Charles laughs, "it's okay. I've seen you worse". I laugh along and nod, "true true".

"I also just wanted to say that I heard what you said last night. About still loving me" I pause as I turn to look at him. His eyes glisten with the daylight that is coming through the doors. He plays with his fingers before responding.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd hear, but it's the truth"
"Don't apologize. I should be the one apologizing I didn't know you felt that way. And it must have sucked to see pedri and i together" I reply. He nods.
"I just hate seeing you not value yourself. He's hurt you time and time again, and you're worth more than that. You deserve someone who won't be afraid to tell the world they like you and that they're with you" he runs his hand through his hair. And I can tell he's being genuine.
"I appreciate that. And yeah, no worries now we're done. I'm not talking to him anymore" I reply. I can see a smile smile appear on Charles face. He tries to play it off.
"Good. You deserve that" he says.

We go on to talk about other things, like the old times. And I'm happy once again that Charles and I are okay. I hated the fact that he was upset at me. We hang out and order some food to have for dinner since by now it's much later.

I appreciate that he's not rushing me into anything. That he's being considerate of my feelings. At this point I've never heard back from Pedri, showing he doesn't care.

Charles and I end the night watching a movie before I help him clean up so I can head back to my room.
"Good night Charles. Thank you for today. And for being here for me" I smile and pull him in for a hug.
"Anytime for you. Goodnight" he smiles and kisses my forehead. He opens the door for me as I walk out.

I head back to the hotel room and get ready for bed.

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