chapter 38

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Charles POV
As I'm laying in the hospital bed I get the worst feeling ever. I can tell I'm not feeling well, but I'm hopeful for the best. I can't believe everything that happened with Delaney. I feel so terrible. But I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason. And the way I treated her proved to me I didn't deserve her.

I come to a realization and decide to act on it. I ask my mother to hand me my phone and I call someone who I really need to talk to. I rest for a bit while they arrive.

A few minutes later the dork opens, and Pedri walks in. My mom smiles and leaves the room so he and I can talk. He looks confused but also worried at the same time.

"Hey, I'm so sorry about what happened. I'm so glad you're okay. I'm just a bit confused as to why you wanted to talk" he says getting closer. I clear my throat and try and get up a bit.
"I need to ask you for something. Well first I want to apologize for the way I've treated you, it was unfair and I'm sorry" I say. He gives a small smile and stays silent.
"Between you and I, I'm in really bad shape. I'm not sure what will happen to me, so I need you to promise me something"
"Charles, what are you saying?" He says.
"Promise me you'll take care of her. Of Delaney. I can see you love her, that's why I was jealous. I know you care for her, and she deserves someone who will treat her better than I did"
"But she's your girlfriend and-"
"We broke up" I reply.
"But, you're okay. Why are you telling me this now?"
"I just have a bad feeling. And I want to be prepared. Just please promise me that. Love her the way she deserves it. She loves to be waken with a kiss, to be gifted flowers. And kind, she loves all of them. Tell her that you love her, and mean it. And never ever doubt her trust and her love. She's the most loving and loyal woman you could ever imagine" I say as I tear up and I recount everything I ever loved and enjoyed with her.
"Charles, listen. I do love her but she's happy with you man. You need to fight for her. Be strong, you're going to be okay" he says now rubbing my shoulder. I shake my head.
"And I know it's not your responsibility but please just make sure she and my son are taken care of. I love them both so much. I-" I'm an interrupted by a doctor walking in with my mother. I wipe my tears as he speaks.
"The surgeon is ready to take you in, it's best we act now" they say. I nod.
"Please take care of her" I whisper to pedri, as the doctor walks over to prepare me. Pedri nods and says "I will but you're going to be okay, and you're going to be here to take care of her too". I smile as I'm taken away into the surgery room.

Delaney POV
I'm laying i bed, without being able to sleep. Arthur stayed in the room with me to help out with Marc. I get a phone call and walk into the hallway to answer.
"Hey sweetie, just calling to let you know they're about to take Charles in for the surgery. Since it's late they won't let you in, I'm sorry"
"No that's okay. Don't worry. I'm glad you're there with him. And hopefully it all goes well" I say
"It will. I have faith. Please get some rest, and I'll keep you updated"
"Okay. Thank you" I say and hang up.

I walk back into the room and lay on the couch. I know I won't be able to sleep until I get a call that he's okay.


It's now morning, and Charles has been in surgery all night. But it's day so I'll be able to go see him. I say goodbye to Arthur and Marc and take a cab over to the hospital. I walk into the room where Charles mother sits on the couch.

I run up to her and hug her as we cry into each others arms.
"He should be out shortly" she says to me. I nod as I lean against her shoulder, and we pray together.

The doctors rush in, and look panicked.
"There's been a problem he-"
"He what?!" I yell.
"He's fallen into a coma. We're so sorry. He didn't react quickly enough to the medication. He's stable and the trauma reduced but we won't know when he'll wake up" the doctor says and I immediately break down again.

This can't be happening. Not my sweet handsome Charles. It was the worst news we could have ever received.

"You can see him, but we'll have to start thinking of a plan on how to transport him home. Since we're unsure of a timeline" the doctor says.

We follow the doctor into the surgery room, and see a calm, asleep Charles.
"Baby please wake up. This can't be happening" I cry into his chest. Of course no response. In a perfect world he would have woken up. Both his mother and I cry as we see him lay helplessly.


"Have you thought about which hospital we should transfer him to? The quicker we can come up with a place, the quicker they can work on trying to get him back. And you guys can go home and still keep an eye on him" the nurse says.

Charles mom and I begin to discuss the options. Of course ID want her to have the last say, since she is his mom.
"Why don't you take him back with you to Barcelona? The doctors say they have an amazing hospital that specializes in these cases. And that's where your home is, he would want to be close to you" she says.
"Are you sure? I don't want to take him from you"
"It's completely okay with me. I trust that you'll check on him and you'll update us with any details" she replies. I nod and we agree.

They begin to prepare him for them to transport him. We say our goodbyes, and it hurts that we even have to do this. As soon as they take him away, we head back to the hotel.

We pack begin to pack up, since they'll be coming with me for at least a few weeks. I reach out to Carlos and the Ferrari team to update them, since I know they must be worried.

We take a cab to the airport and check in on our flight to Barcelona. I decide to let Charles fans know what's going on, and of course I ask Charles mom if it's okay first.


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this was the photo I took of my sweet Charles. As many of you know and saw in last nights Grand Prix, Charles had a horrible accident. We was quickly taken to the hospital where he was stabilized and he was okay. We spoke and he was in pain but he was fine. Our poor Charles suffered trauma to his head, and he needed surgery to avoid any more inflammation. Of course we thought nothing of it, and went ahead with the surgery. He was in surgery all through the night, and into the morning. This morning we were given the worst news ever. Charles has fallen into a coma due to a complication with the surgery. He is stabilized and okay, but we unfortunately do now know when Jen he'll wake up. We are extremely hurt. I can't believe I will have to go on my day without his sweet and caring voice, his beautiful smile, and contagious laugh. We are hopefully and praying he will wake up soon and will be okay. I know he would want his fans to know, since you all are his family. Please keep Charles in your prayers. Charles, Marc and I love you and need you. Please wake up soon. ❤️

(Authors note: ughh crying making this chapter 💔)

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