🤍 Espresso x Cream Unicorn🤍

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For: pa1nty

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No one's pov

Cream unicorn was a work-from-home baby. They would naturally be worried for his boyfriend, Espresso. As an archivist for a famous busy museum, Espresso naturally got tired fast. With espresso's insomnia suppressing his sleep plus the amount of caffeine he consumes in one day, it will surly be unhealthy. Cream Unicorn tried to recall the last time they made sure Espresso was actually asleep and not sleeping.. It would be nearly 3 days ago.

They sighed, they'll make sure Espresso gets some rest once he gets home. They'll also make sure his dream is sweet. Though, they also knew there was a possibility that Espresso would fall asleep the second they get home. Cream Unicorn had been improving Espresso imsmonia for a while, and it has been helping a little.

Espresso meanwhile was busy tying to perfect another artifact. He constantly yawned as he battles to stay awake. Espresso felt like this was one of the days he would fall asleep on the couch. He could drink some coffee but he could always dream about drinking it when he dreams. That's what his boyfriend would want anyways, and he didn't want Cream Unicorn to worry to much about him.

Espresso was exhausted be the time he got home. He was practically dragging his feet on the floor as he walked to the couch. Cream Unicorn came into the living room just as Espresso collapsed on the couch, falling into a deep slumber. Cream Unicorn giggled since they found it funny how Espresso fell asleep before his head hit the soft cushions of the couch.

Cream unicorn then sighed. This was the 6th time this month Espresso had crashed on the couch. Cream Unicorn made his way to the kitchen. Good thing Cream Unicorn remembered to pick up some tea from Herb's shop earlier today. The tea he bought tasted like coffee but doesn't have caffeine, truly a miraculous invention.

They boiled the water and took out the tea cups, when they heard a bit of shuffling behind him. They looked back to see Espresso's cute face twist as he began to dream. Cream unicorn made their way to the couch where Espresso was still sleeping but now turning and flipping around.

Cream Unicorn gently cupped his boyfriend's face and brushed some of his dark hair away. They gave him a a gentle peck on the nose and blessing him with a sweet dream. They watched Espresso's face relax and his lips curl into a smile. They gently smiled lightly before returning to make the beverage.

Espresso woke up to the sight of a warm cup of tea on the coffee table. He himself was lying on the couch, head on his boyfriend's lap and a warm blanket draped on top of him. He looked down and noticed he was also changed into a loose white oversized shirt.

"Espresso you should drink your tea," Cream Unicorn said gently.

"Just a few more minutes,"Espresso mumbled, turning around a buried his face into Cream unicorn's stomach.

"It'll help with your insomnia some more," Cream Unicorn argued.

Espresso sighed and sat up. He took the cup of tea and pressed it to his lips, taking a few sips before setting the cup down.

Thanks," Espresso said, smiling, "It's my favorite flavor."

"I know," Cream Unicorn replied.

Espresso laid his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. They were lucky to have each other.


Word count: 588

Hope that was ok, have a good day/night!

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