🤍 🍋Vampire X WereWolf 🍋🤍

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For: Sm0rez

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No'ones Pov

It was almost 2 in the morning by now, which isn't unsual for Vampire whome slept during the day usually and hung out at Sparkling's bar the second it opened at night. What was unusual was the fact that Vampire was leaving at 2 in the morning rather than his usuall leaving time.. when it closed.

Sparkling watched Vampire stumble off before going back to chatting with Herb. He probably would have questioned Vampire if Vampire hadn't been continuously doing this for the past 14 day excluding that event last night where he hosted an event to win wine, plants, and plushies. Plants and plush had nothing to do with his bar, but Herb and Latte pushed him to do it anyways. Sparkling turned back to Mint and continued his conversation on what to buy Herb.

Vampire meanwhile, was quiet drunk. He hadn't meant to get so drunk, but the wine tonight tasted awfully good. It might be because he wanted to give the plush he somehow won last night in a drinking competition to his love. So off Vampire went, stumbling into the dark forest with the plush in his hand and not knowing his sense of direction.

He grinned drunkily as he saw the dim light shining in a cave. The cave was small and boring looking, but he could tell it was the place he was looking for even though he was drunk. There was a small bat decoration just hanging above the cave entrace which he had put there 2 weeks ago. He stumbled another step, but his vision started blurring quickly. Before he knew it, he passed out.


Vampire woke up feeling very cozy, but his head hurt a ton and he was on something hard like a rock. His head felt like a brick smashed into it. He was having the worst hangover in a long time.

"I'm surpised that you passed out, I thought you were supposed to have high alchahol tolerence," A voice said in annoyance.

Vampire looked up and his already pink face turned red. He was snuggling in Werewolf's chest, with his thin body being wrapped by Werewolf's arms as they lay on Werewolf's bed which was basically a rock with some blankets.

"H-hi," Vampire squeeked.

"I mean, heey, what's up?" Vampire coughed, trying to sound sedusive.

"Don't hi me, last time you nearly froze to death before I found you," Werewolf growled, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Buuut that's how we met," Vampire answered, "Aren't you glad I fainted?"

Werewolf sighed, pushing himself to be sitting. Vampire frowned, trying to get Werewolf to lay back with him. 

"Well, this thing you were carrying got dirty and kind of ripped," Werewolf said, holding up the torn up plushie.

Vampire's eyes widened and he looked away, "Awe- That was supposed to be for you."

"You know I don't care about stuff like that," Werewolf said, "It's still usable, so you can take it back."

"But you secretively like plushies, right?" Vampire whined, "And I rather have you then a plushie."

"I'm not going back to the kingdom with you, I'll just scare everyone," Werewolf growled, crossing his arms.

A pause.

"Though, I do like plushies.. you got me there," Werewolf mumbled, looking away.

"Keeeep it then," Vampire grinned, flipping onto his back.

"Fine," Werewolf growled, but he was secretivly happy that Vampire had gotten him a plushie, "When are you going to leave?"

"Wadda ya mean?" Vampire asked, sitting up so that he was no ontop of Werewolf's lap and facing his chest.

"Werewolves and Vampires aren't allowed to, ya know," Werewolf muttered, looking away to hide his blush.

"Pfft, fuck the rules. Interesting that you said that since I'm only sitting on your lap," Vampire said nonchantly, "But I won't mind if we do that~"

"Are you still drunk?" Werewolf growled

Everyone was typically scared of Werewolf. Things have changed and less cookies are scared now, but they wouldn't come all the way to visit him like Vampire did. That made Werewolf believe that theirs either something wrong with Vampire, or if he was genuine with what his saying, or both. After all, after the day Werewolf found Vampire drunk, passed out, and lost, in the forest and saved him from freezing to death, Vampire has been non-stop visiting him. The first week Werewolf continuously ignored him and tried to shoo him away, but he gave in after a while. He even kind of liked this alchahol-addict, and not in a friend way.

"Noo, I wouldn't mind having sex with a big strong guy like you," Vampire coed, circling his finger on Werewolf's chest which was only covered by a thin shirt since he had tooken off his coat, "Hmm?"

Werewolf turned beet red, but he didn't push Vampire off him. He was feeling awfully horny suddenly, and he wanted to just tear of Vampire's clothing off and expose his body. He wanted to awfully badly. He was shy usually, he liked to stay out of other people's lives.. but.. it was just them, and this feeling only came onto him when he was with Vampire. At the same time, he was scared, he didn't know what to expect.

"Come on~ I know you want to," Vampire lured in a teasing voice, "And I want a bite as well~"

"No, I don't like being rough," Werewolf grumbled, "So I can't give you what you want.."

Vampire sighed, but not in a dissapointed way. More like those kind of sighs a mother gives their child when they are fooling around but they still loved them. Vampire smiled and lightly cupped Werewolf's face and then gave him a gentle kiss on the lips causing Were'wolf to turn bright red.

"That's alright, you don't have to if you don't want to," Vampire giggled, sliding back onto his back and giving a yawn, "I'm pretty tired already."

Werewolf huffed, he did want to do that, he was just.. well.. really nervous. Werewolf gently took off Vampire's clothe.

"Whachu doing?" Vampire asked, opening an eye.


"It's fine, the buttons are complicated so I'll do it myself," Vampire said, throwing off his top with ease.

He then helped take off Werewolf's shirt and pants.

Then they made love.

Let's just say Vampire woke up yet again with a headache since he didn't fully recover from the wine, and sore legs. Werewolf kept the stuffie, and they were both happy.

Lastly, Sparkling tried to ask Vampire what happened only to recieve a loose threat that he won't buy any more drinks if he question any farther.


Word count: 1116

Idk how to write-

Hope it was ok tho, gave a gud day/night

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