♣️ Pitaya Dragon X Knight♣️

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For: mitsurimegafan 


No'ones Pov

Pitaya missed Knight Cookie. He often wasn't at the Hollyberry Kingdom which upset them when they went to give a little 'surprise' to the guests and residents. (The surprise was them giving everyone a jumpscare and announcing their arrival.)

Their wings were sore, and so they were debating on whether or not they should make a trip.

"YOU PINK POKODOT IDIOT," A voice cried from outside Pitaya's cave, "Lend me your earbuds! It's your fault that-"

"Shut up Lotus!" Pitaya screamed and then they stormed out the passageways of the caves, pushing past Lotus who screamed back in fury.

Despite their sore wings, they flapped to the Hollyberry Kingdom with no breaks, since otherwise, they won't reach until dinner or past. If they didn't stop at all, they'd be there probably just at noon, around when lunch is served. 

After a long time of flying and thinking of ways to tease knight cookie, Pitaya arrived at the Hollyberry castle. They dropped through a window stealthily and made their way to the ballroom, scaring off any cookies who saw their recognizable features. 

"I. The Red Dragon. IS HERE!" Pitaya announced, throwing open the doors.

Everyone immediately paused, and a few cookies screamed. Pitaya looked around and silently sighed to themselves, seeing that Knight wasn't here as usual, and was on some sort of adventure he had to accompany Princess for. Pitaya looked around some more, before deciding they could be doing something else like scaring a village when they caught Hollyberry, Princess's grandma's eyes. They rebounded, surprised, since they rarely saw her as well.

"Oh ho! Pitaya! Come on, my dear old friend!" Hollyberry laughed and dragged the flaming Pitaya out who felt like they could die of embarrassment by the neck and out the doors.

"Hollyberry cookie, I didn't know you were here," Pitaya huffed when Hollyberry finally let them go.

"Well, I just finished an expedition to Dark Cacoa, and I missed the hot air and parties back at home," Hollyberry said and then raised her eyebrow and said with a hint of disapproving in her voice, "But I thought I warned you that I won't spar anymore if you attack."

"I wasn't trying to attack," Pitaya  said defensively, "Isss Knight and Princesss back yet??"

Hollyberry's tiny frown broke into a smirk and she chuckled loudly, "Oh ho ho! You miss your little boyfriend, don't you?"

Seeing Pitaya's already pink face redden, Hollyberry added, "Don't worry, he misses you too! Princess ships you two, you know?"

Pitaya's reddened face turned crimson, and they gave a flustered meep. He likesss me? Pitaya thought incredulously but also happy. Ugh, when isss he coming back???

As if Hollyberry read the dragon's mind, she announced, "Oh, you should stay in Knight's room and surprise him for a change. Those two are coming back at around dinner."

"Hmm, I sssupose no harm if I do," Pitaya muttered, and Hollyberry joyously laughed.

So, Pitaya in the end decided to stay in the guest room by themselves, turning away any cookie who offered them anything.

Meanwhile, Knight was really really tired from his latest expedition. The sun still hung high in the summer skies, making it humid and hot. Although, it certainly felt better than where they had just arrived from.

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