♣️ Sparkling X Vampire ♣️

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An Unforgettable Night

For: vamp1re_gay 

Labels: ♣️

No'ones Pov

Sparkling looked at the drink passed out Vampire who had his head laid on top of the bar's counter. It was a new day, or the end of the night as Sparkling would say, and most customers and even Mint and Herb were gone, yet Vampire had shown no signs of moving.

Sparkling had already finished washing the wine glasses, his shaker, and the counters, and restocked. If it was someone else he would have dragged them outside first thing his bar closed, but since it was a regular -And perhaps his crush- he didn't mind as much.

He gently smiled at Vampire's pretty sleeping face before...

...violently shaking him to attempt to wake him up since he was probably dead drunk even though it's been a few hours since his last shot.

Vampire gave a grunt and slowly lifted his head up and rubbed it.

"Mngh, what time is it-?" Vampire murmured, looking into Sparkling's face which was still very close.

Vampire yelped and his body tipped back, causing him to fall off the stool and onto the ground with a thud. The wine glass he had been drinking previously had been taken away to be cleaned, so it thankfully wasn't shattered. Vampire's drunkness had been through. He was given a wake-up call by his crush's face so close to his, and now, his cheek's were as bright red as his hair.

"Good Morning cutie~" Sparkling winked, smirking at the redness which had spread, "It's 9:30 am, would you like something to eat?"

You. Vampire's brain thought.

"Wine," Vampire said instead, "Or old fashioned."

Sparkling tried not to sigh, "Hmm, you still haven't paid for all those drinks you had last night, did you?"

"I have a gift for you tonight~" Vampire blurted, before covering his mouth.

"Mhmm? I'm listening~" Sparkling leaning down to whisper into Vampire's ears, "But darling, I won't count it in as money for the drinks y'know..."

"I-I know that," Vampire said, and he scooched back, stood up, and slapped a stack of bills onto the counter, "Duhh."

"Alright, then I'll be waiting~" Sparkling hummed and Vampire strolled out, after getting a new bottle of booze.

- 10 PM -

Sparkling walked up to his bar doors and froze. From outside it looked like there was a full-on party inside his bars, and that was exactly what was happening inside as well. He didn't recall opening the bar to anyone. The only other person who had his keys was... Latte...

Sparkling swung open his door, nearly hitting Rye. He apologized before diving into the crowd, trying to navigate his way to his counter. Finally, he managed to do and was greeted by HollyBerry who was swigging a cup of beer and laughing. Several cookies laughed along, and many seemed drunk. Sparkling looked around in confusion and found Vampire, quietly sipping a cocktail in the corner.

"VAMPIRE!" Sparkling exclaimed incredulously, "Was this the surprise? How in the name of the witches did you get HollyBerry to come at such a random occasion?"

"No no, this isn't the surprise," Vampire drawled dismissively, "And Latte opened the doors."

"No- I mean isn't HollyBerry an Ancient and very busy?" Sparkling said, waiting for an explanation.

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