🤍❤️Espresso X Madeleine🌧🤍

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For: yourbestiealorri 

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Note: This is a college/university A.U.

This is the order btw: Fluff -> Angst -> Fluffy wholesome

No'ones Pov

Madeleine is one of the most crushed-on, popular, good-looking, and possibly rich guys on the campus. Espresso is one of the hottest, crushed-on, and definitely the smartest cookies on the campus, but he is also possibly one of the most broke, cold, antisocial cookies with a bad relationship with most males. 

In fact, the only friends and people he interacts with are his sister, Latte, and his friends, Eclair, Sparkling, and gingerbrave...

..and of course, his boyfriend, Madeleine. Of course, that remains a secret, and he refuses to borrow money from Madeleine; he didn't want to be a user after all.

"So, let's start the movies!" Madeleine exclaimed cheerfully, wrapping his arms around Espresso and snuggling him like a giant teddy bear.

"Mhhph," Espresso groaned, turning pink, "Erm, what movie are we watching?"

"Haha, it's movies Espresso, we're watching a movie marathon!" Madeleine corrected, "So we'll start off with the Crimson love letter movie 21, then Clock Work Island adventures, then..."

"So that's why you interrupted my evening study session," Espresso sighed, rubbing his temples, "Okay, okay, let's get started then."

"Well, you've been studying schoolwork from 11 am until 4 pm! Plus, you promised I'd have you all weekend, and I also bet you didn't get any sleep last night either," Madeleine accused, making Espresso turn pink at his accurate guess, "Anyways, I'll force you to go to sleep at 10 pm!"

"Ugh, but if I do recall you're going to a party tonight at 12, you irresponsible adult?" Espresso protested, but Madeleine continued humming as he began playing his movie, "Of course, you'd be able to afford all these movies-"

So, they began watching the movies despite Espresso making complaints and Madeleine making random comments through all of the first 3. At around 8 Pm though, Espresso got a phone call. He excused himself and took it, and immediately a male voice answered, his boss.

"Espresso, we need you to come to the club," His boss said, "No excuses, we need you right now until 2 am, or you can get Sparkling as well."


"We can pay you $1k," His boss snapped, shutting Espresso up, "Or you can get fired. Your choice."

Espresso looked at Madeleine who looked fine and entranced by the movie. He should be fine without me, we still have tomorrow to hang out after all. Plus, 1000 dollar a night is $400 more than usual and I am running short on cash.

"Fine," Espresso agreed unwillingly, "I'll go alone."

"I'll wait 10 minutes," His boss said with such an egotistical voice that Espresso wanted to punch him before he hung up.


"Yes, Essy?" Madeleine asked, eyes glued onto the screen.

"I have to go," Espresso exhaled, grabbing his jacket and a black bag, "You should go prepare for the party."

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