🌧Red Velvet X Parfait (pt 1)🤍

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Broken Stars

For: azure_bluu

Labels: 🌧🤍

No'ones Pov

"Aaaa~!♥" Parfait squealed, hugging Red Velvet's arm.

Red Velvet pushed up his tinted rectangular glasses, looking at the cotton candy cart Parfait pointed at.

"Hey, let's buy one," She suggested, pulling out her wallet from her new, miku-styled purse.

Red Velvet followed, eyeing the fluffy cotton candy animals warily, "Which animal are you picking?"

"A pink bunny," Parfait declared, adjusting her star-shaped shades.

Red Velvet smiled as he watched Parfait pay for the confection. He felt a light second of nausea as Parfait observed, beaming like a child, as the cotton candy slowly built itself in layers of whisps like magic.

His eyebrows scrunched up a little and he sighed.

Fuck... why...? He thought as Parfait came skipping back with 2 large cotton candy animals, each 600 yen.

"Oh, you got me a wolf? I didn't know they made those," Red Velvet chuckled, but his voice felt distant and flat, "Thanks cupcake."

"Mn, you're welcome~," Parfait said, nomming the bunny's ear.

They resumed walking once more. Red Velvet Quietly ate his cotton candy in large bites, while Parfait took smaller bites between rambling about her new merch designs her manager and team came up with.

Finally, Parfait fell silent, twirly her cotton candy stick. She glanced at Red Velvet, biting her lips.

"What's wrong cupcake?" Red Velvet asked, after a heartbeat of silence.

"I... well... are you feeling okay?" Parfait fidgeted, genuinely worried.

In the past few weeks, no months, Red Velvet had begun to act abnormally. Red Velvet loved her like he couldn't love her enough after a few weeks of meeting her, only to retreat and avoid her for days right after each time he made a bold move.

Parfait thought it was since Red Velvet was shy. Under the facade of a tough businessman was a sweet fluffy man who was awkard with love. That was fine with her, she loved him unconditionally.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" Red Velvet said, caught off guard.

He waited for Parfait's answer but was greeted by silence as she noticed a cafe that caught her attention.

"Look! Let's eat there tomorrow breakfast," Parfait said, her voice cheerful again. She pointed to a cafe named: 'Shiawase no Pancake'.

"Anything for you," Red Velvet agreed immediately, grateful the talk was over.

He spotted an arcade across the street, "Look over there, let's hit the arcade before we go back to the inn. It seems fun."

Red Velvet gazed at the claw machines which contained prizes from children's shows to anime-like stuffies. He made a smug, determined face, setting his sights on a Neko plushie machine.

Parfait noticed his expression and giggled. Honestly, he's so adorable sometimes, she thought.

They entered the dark, neon-lit arcade, and Red Velvet stopped in front of the Neko plush claw machine near the door. He checked the price, 100 yen, and reached for his wallet.

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