♣️ Yogurt Cream X Lilac ♣️

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Lilac Purfume From Shopping

For: homoesexuallol 

Labels: ♣️

No'ones Pov

Yogurt Cream handed Lilac another bag which held a pretty white silk shaw. Lilac tried to maintain a blank expression but internally he was sighing and very annoyed. He was hired to be Yogurt Cream's body guard and he had to multi task it while assassinating any given targets and it was tiring. It didn't help that he was balancing a bunch of shopping bags while walking around the market for hours.

Yogurt Cream barely noticed and his attitude gave off rich lazy boy vibes. Lilac had to work for everything, Yogurt Cream barely lifted a finger. At least Yogurt Cream gave them a ride back to his villa on his magic carpet.

Lilac did not plan to stay for long, he only accepted this job because Yogurt Cream payed high. Lilac did not allow his emotions to get ahead of him, but he may lose his cool. He would not admit he found the other male attractive.

Yogurt Cream on the other hand was always looking for a treasure that is unique and even rarer. He did not want a living treasure, but he made an exception for Lilac.

He found Lilac intriguingly and perhaps hot, and that was why he hired him. To Yogurt Cream, Lilac was mysterious, his scent barely lingering in the air and him himself merged with the shadows. Not like a ninja, much more delicate, making  Yogurt Cream wonder what his old job used to be.

Today Yogurt Cream did keep an eye out for any rare treasures, but the main reason he went to the town center today was to try getting rid of the thought that stuck in his mind like glue. He wondered how it would feel to call Lilac his. He wanted to fuck Lilac and have him underneath him. He tried pushing these thoughts away but he failed to do so.

That was how Yogurt Cream ended up scrolling through pictures of Lilac he secretely took of him. He barely managed to do so, he had to hire so many cookies to snap photos of Lilac otherwise he would fail. Yogurt Cream was supposed to be taking a bath but he was absorbed in his phone and so...

..Lilac grew worried after 20 minutes when he heard no sound of water. He silently crept up to the bathroom door in case there were assanators inside. If Yougurt Cream died, it would be his fault, and he'd probably throw himself off a cliff, he decided.

Because you are affectionate towards him. You want to call him master and  get fucked. A part of his mind whispered and he almost crashed and fell onto his side. He refused to allow lust take over him and fail his task. No, I would jump off a cliff because I failed a simple task, he decided.

He placed his ear on the door  and listened quietly. Lilac heard no sounds and so he gently knocked on the door, slightly startling Yogurt Cream. Yogurt Cream quickly set down his phone and unlocked the door for Lilac.

"What do you want?" Yogurt Cream questioned.

"Sorry, I didn't hear water and it's been 20 minutes so I was worried something happened," Lilac apologized softly with a blank expression.

Lilac tried hard not to become flustered, seeing that Yougurt Cream had tooken off both his jacket and pants, leaving him in just his boxers.

"Okay then," Yogurt Cream said, turning around and stepping forward, "Close the do- WAHRGH!!!"

Yogurt Cream had slipped on his jacket and gave a yelp. Soon he was sent tumbling towards the marble floor, but he had barely even started falling when Lilac grabbed Yogurt Cream's wrist. The force sent Lilac falling backwards, and this time Lilac tripped on Yogurt Cream's pants, making them slip sideways.

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