♣️ Eclair X Espresso ♣️

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The first Handcuffs made

For: Mysteryghost_18

Labels: ♣️

No'ones Pov

"Eclair! I found it!" Espresso yelled, running to Eclair.

Eclair looked up from the scroll he was looking at to Espresso then to what he was holding. Espresso presented an old looking pair of handcuffs which looked dull and almost broken but had a glow to it. Eclair's eyes widened in realization that this was the first handcuff which rid of magic ever made.

"Ah, thank you dear Espresso," Eclair said gently taking the precious artifact.

"It is my pleasure to assist," Espresso coughed, returning to his usuall expression.

Eclair stopped and stared at Espresso, the precious artifact still at hand. Espresso, the cookie he admired, awed, and loved... he wanted Espresso to be his boyfriend. He wanted to use a pair of handcuffs, fuck him, and turn his espression to something else.

Great I'm now horny and.. did I turn hard? Eclair thought.

"Eclair? I must take my leave soon,"Espresso said, snapping Eclair back to reality, "If you need anything, you can let me know."

"D-d-do y-y, I mean, do you have anywhere you need to be tonight?" Eclair questioned.

"Not particularly, I finished all my experiments. Although I wish to perfect them, I may go somewhere if someone wants me to and it's for a good reason," Espresso answered, "May I ask why?"

"I would like to mark something down to our history together," Eclair said, placing away the artifact, "Can you come to my house?"

Espresso looked Eclair up and down, wondering what he meant exactly when he realized. Well, he believed he was correct, and now that the thought of it crossed his mind he can't let it go. Ah, how great. I want to get fucked now. Espresso thought.

"I'd love to, but may I ask why?" Espresso questioned, already knowing the answer.

He leaned over Eclair, making Eclair blush red.

"I wan't to kiss you," Eclair murmured, the words tumbling from his mouth before he could stop them, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean tha-"

Espresso cut him off with a kiss to the lips, "That's it? Nothing else?"

Eclair mumbled something and Espresso smirked, "Hmm? Say it louder~"

"I wan't to get fucked by you," Eclair said, lyring yet not lying.

I want to be the one to fuck you Eclair thought. Espresso saw through this and nearly laughed.

"Well too bad, I don't want to fuck you," Espresso said, "You know what I want?"

Eclair held his breath and Espresso continued, "I want to get tied up and fucked by you."

Eclair froze in surprise but then the words sunk into him.

"Well then? let's get going, I don't have all day and I would like to enjoy this," Espresso said.

"You might not even last that long," Eclair mumbled, but hoping for the opposite.

"Hm? We'll see." Espresso replied.


10 minutes later and they were eating eachother out in a locked janitor closet.

Eclair was kissing Espresso pationately, biting his bottom lips and making Espresso moan. Their tongues swirled around eachother as Espresso was pushed to the back of the room. Things escalated and Espresso found himself being stripped. Espresso didn't want him to stop. 

Eclair got down onto his knees, throwing Espresso's boxers away so that he was completely naked. Eclair suddenly clasped Espresso's hands together with a handcuff and stood up again. Espresso's eyes widened in surprise and he looked up at Eclair.

"Well? I'm waiting~" Eclair said. 

Espresso got down on his knees and stripped Eclair's clothing as Eclair examined Espresso's body with lust. When he was done Eclair pushed him to the back of the room again and without warning stuck a finger and then another inside Espresso.

"Nngh~" Espresso grunted.

"Sorry," Eclair said, not wanting to hurt Espresso.

"Hurry up," Espresso said, looking up at Eclair.

Eclair stuck his dick in slightly and started moving kind of slow. Espresso bit his lips and tried not to moan, which was easy due to the speed. Eclair started speeding up and Espresso lost it.

"Nngh~ Ahhh~" Espresso moaned, "Faster~"

Without warning Eclair came and he swore.

"Can we continue~" Espresso begged, his expression desperate.

Eclair grinned and just continued fucking Espresso, deeper and harder making Espresso moan even more and squirm. He wanted to be all the way inside Espresso and Espresso wanted it to go hard.

Then Espresso cummed and they stopped, panting and out of breath. 

"Clean up?" Eclair suggested and Espresso nodded.

Eclair uncuffed Espresso, taking one more look at his body, before they both cleaned up and wore their clothing. Finally Eclair adjusted his hat and Espresso fixed his jacket and they both left.

"May I ask, where did you get those handcuffs?" Espresso inquired, "They're not from the artifacts, right?"

"Ofcource not, I just took them from Almond," Eclair reassured, "But it can become one."

"Mm, keep it. It can be tradition to use it everytime we have sex," Espresso said.

"We'll do it again?" Eclair exclaimed blushing, but he wasn't complaining at all.

"Ofcource, if you wish," Espresso said.

"O-ok, I can't wait," Eclair answered.


"WHERE ARE MY NEW HANDCUFFS?!" Almond yelled in rage, stomping around his office.

"You have several handcuffs dad," Walnut rolled her eyes, "I'll get Rougefort to steal you some."

"NO!" Almond protested.

"Yes, I'll go and contact him with you phone now," Walnut said, "I'll tell him to buy you some with flowers instead."


Word count: 853

It's not the best but I warned you 0v0. First time I wrote smut was for Vamp X Were and I just wrote then they made love but I found a couple really smutty books and kind of mixed them up.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways, and I have a good day/night!

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