❤️♣️ Clotted X Financier🌧❤️

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Clotcier Smutshot

For: ShanelsVeryEmo 

Labels: ♣️🌧❤️

Noone's Pov

"Council, are you okay?" Financier asked softly to Clotted Cream.

Clotted Cream lay on his bed, staring up to the ceiling with a blank face. A face that looked ready to give up on life. He pulled every trick he knew but he still failed to keep them together. He never hurt this way before, his heart seemed like it wanted to tear itself into peices. He felt broken.


"Please don't call me by that name Darling," Clotted Cream cut in, trying to hold his tears back from falling.

A sharp pain hit Financier's heart hearing her name being spoken by Clotted Cream. Financier began to speak but then stopped, biting down on her lips. She couldn't say no to his order, even though she knew she could get punished, but she couldn't see him like this. So broken and torn.

She hid it behind her mask which looked serious and determined all the time but, she didn't know what to do either. There was nothing she could do. No matter how high her and Clotted's rankings were, she couldn't stop the council from seperating them. 

They tried everything to convince them not to, to let them love eachother in peace, but in the end failed. Custard cookie didn't reveal this to the other elders but Clotted Cream's mother's life was at stake. Financier didn't want to be the reason for the passing of Clotted's mother and for him to lose his title of Council.

"Clotted, I-I want to call you loveand you know that," Financier said, heartbroken, "But we'll get in trouble. I don't want you to lose everything you've built."

"As a knight, I am bound by the will of the light, and as a council, rseponsibilities lay on your shoulders," Financier countinued, her voice cracking, "Our goal is to protect the republic and make it a better place."

"I don't care if I and you have resposibilities that are heavier than the rest, it shouldn't affect our relationship," Clotted Cream said angrily, "Why? We do not deserve this."

Financier felt a tear drip down her cheek. She leaned over Clotted Cream and gently cupped his face. She gently tilted his chin up and gave him a small smile which contained a sea of sadness.

"I miss your arrogant smirk," She breathed.

"The one that helped make King Dark Cacoa call me an arrogant welp?" Clotted Cream said, "I didn't think it was that arrogant."

"I am to leave by nightfall, so please don't do nothing for the last few hours I have with you," Financier said begginly.

"It's shameful of me to waste the few hours we have left which is ticking by like minutes," Clotted Cream agreed, sitting up.

He sighed, "There's so many things I wanted to do with you, like take you dancing in the moonlight."

"I didn't know you were a dancer," Financier giggled, thinking of Clotted Cream dancing.

They looked into eachother's eyes and Clotted Cream wrapped his arm around Financier. Slowly they leaned in and kissed eachother. They continued kissing as both of them slowly stripped. 

They both tried to forget the seperation, and to think they were together once more. Like the first time they did it, when they both were so nervous but grew to love the feeling quickly.


"Clott-ted, we shouldn't be doing this," Financier moaned as Clotted Cream inserted himself in her body again, "Ngh~ Wh-what will they think."

"Do you not enjoy it Financier darling?" Clotted Cream smirked, quickening his pace.

Clotted Cream was clearly enjoying this, and taking away Financier's virginity. Financier was being pleasured, loving the feeling. It both came as a shock to both of them when they found out the shared romantic feelings with eachother. Now, they ended up in Clotted Cream's room with him on top of Financier.

Financier clung to the bedsheets and barely managed to gasp between grunts, "N-no, I e-enjoy it Clo-otted, mngh~!"

"Then that's all that matter for tonight," Clotted Cream murmured, "Ah, I'm about to come."

"Wh-what?!" Financier squealed.

"In or out? Hm?" He questioning, not slowing his pace one bit.

"Ou-In!" Financier shouted the first thing that came to her mind before realizing, "W-wait! I me-"

Before Financier could finish her sentence, Clotted Cream cummed inside of Financier. Financier moaned and jolted, the sticky white substance all over her legs and bed sheets now. Clotted Cream stopped and wiped away a bead of sweat, grinning.

Financier sat up then winced. Her legs felt like jelly and her ass hurt from getting Clotted's dick rammed into her. She then glanced at the mess they created and her eyes widened in alarm. Clotted Cream sat besides her and gave her a cocky grin.

Financier sighed and said, "C-consul, we should clean this up."

"You mean Clotted, darling~" Clotted Cream corrected, pecking her on the lips.


They did that that night, Financier not bothering to cover her moans as her lover pounded him inside of her. They cleaned up and clothed themselves, the time nearing 8Pm, the sun beginning to set. They only had a few more minutes.

Financier started to cry and Clotted Cream's usuall calculated eyes looked watery. Tears slipped down Financier's face but she made no sound. Clotted Cream gently kissed Financier on the lips, both their eyes shutting. Although soft, this kiss was passionate and loving, like the world was going to end. Both didn't want to let go, but they knew they had to.

"I love you," Financier murmured, pressing her forehead to Clotted's, "I love you."

"I love you too, darling," Clotted Cream whispered back, "Know that I always will."

Their lips locked together one last time and their arms wrapped around eachother. Financier's luggage was on the floor, out of their sight. The few minutes they had felt too short, and she was forced to leave.

They never got to dance in the moonlight like carefree cookies, they both thought as Financier's carraige dissapeared into the night.


Word count: 965

Hii, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I don't have much to say but I snuck in a whole bottle off coffee into my house so now I can drink it every day when I'm upset >:D (Until I run out or get caught TvT)

Have a good day/night :)

- Crimson

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