♣️ Cherry Blossom X Werewolf ♣️

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Requestor name this if you want or I will once I stop procrastination

For: jadycougar jadycougar

Labels: ♣️

No'ones Pov

Cherry Blossom was having her usual picnic in the forest. She had just begun setting up her picnic mat and was about to take out her sandwich, when she heard a grunt from the forest, making her flinch.

"Is everything alright?" She said cautiously, but also worried, remembering the occasional injured birds.

She pushed aside some bushes and gasped, "Oh my!"

"Are you okay?!" She squealed, rushing over to the injured wolf boy.

"Urgh," Werewolf groaned, looking up to what he thought was an angel, before he realized it was Cherry Blossom in a white gown, "Stay away!"

"But, you're injured," Cherry Blossom reasoned, "Here, let me help!"

"No, I don't want to hurt you," He snapped, more forcefully than he meant to, "I'm-"

The words 'sorry' was stuck in his throat.

Cherry Blossom ignored him and took his cheek, caressing it and healing it with a first aid she had in her briefcase. She pulled back, smiling when he was all patched up. Werewolf turned his head away from him, huffing, and completely scarlet.

Cherry Blossom patted his head gently, "There, all patched up! Would you like to join me for a picnic?"

"No..." Werewolf mumbled, "I rather go back and rest."

"Alright, I'll visit you soon then!" She exclaimed, "Here, I'll help you get to your home."

"No, it's alr-"

Werewolf stumbled and nearly collapsed. Feeling embarrassed and weak, he sighed and accepted Cherry Blossom's offer.

Cherry Blossom constantly visited him in his cave from then on, bringing tea of course. Slowly, they grew closer and the shy wolf grew more fond of the tea party girl, his feeling intensified. Cherry Blossom lately has begun developing feelings for him, and often found herself daydreaming of him.

One day, she was on his bed. She was so close to him, and Werewolf could feel his tail wag. He could feel the desire in his body, coursing through him as Cherry Blossom's hand slowly reached his, clasping it, as they watched the fireworks. Blush spread from both cookie's cheeks, without themselves noticing.

Werewolf felt himself being pulled in as the fireworks ended in a bam-

- and he was on her. She puckered her lips and kissed him, and he froze in surprise, his whole body tensing up before loosening. Werewolf grabbed Cherry Blossom's bottom, pulling her up and closer as he kissed her. His other hand traced her backbone, making it arch. Cherry Blossom groaned from under him as he bit her lips, nibbling down her jaw and to her collarbone, each nip harder and sharper than the previous one. Removing the buttons on her shirt and taking her undies off in the process.

All of a sudden, it was no longer Cherry Blossom who was playing with Werewolf's hair, as Werewolf tugged on hers, causing her back to arch as his bites went further down, kissing her blossoms, burying himself into her scent.

Cherry Blossom gave a tiny 'meep!' as Werewolf pushed her onto her back. She looked up at him, breathing heavily. She could feel her cheeks were red and her lips were as wet as she was at the moment. Werewolf lifted her skirt, the sight of her like this was making him lose all senses. Cherry Blossom felt so vulnerable as he threw off his pants, showing his boxers, but she craved it as much as she craved tea. At all times of the day. 

She nodded for him to continue and he grabbed her waist and roughly put in 2 of his fingers, making Cherry Blossom gasp. Her breath was hitched and short, with occasional groans as he pumped in and out of her. Werewolf stuck in a third finger, and her shrill voice gave sweet mews that sounded lyrical to the Werewolf's ear. 

He pulled out his finger and lined himself up, looking at Cherry Blossom. Werewolf's ear was perked up and he wanted himself into the pink-haired female under her. She nodded, thinking it was kinda funny how although it appeared he was senseless, he still waited for permission. Her thought was cut short as he thrust himself in, and she gave a high-pitched moan.

He shifted his pose and dug his nails into Cherry Blossom's white cloth, before moving again slowly. Werewolf moved slowly at first, but soon he sped up, thrusting his cock in and out of the pink-haired girl who was screaming his name between pleasured moans and whimpers. Cherry Blossom's pink nails clawed at the thin blanket Werewolf owned, which fell to the ground soon enough leaving her scraping the stone as her body rocked back and force with tremors and pleasurable pains lighting her up. 

Werewolf pulled out suddenly with no warning, and she looked down, panting and bemused. 

"I just came," Werewolf muttered, panting, his senses mostly returned now, and his sense of smell and lust no longer intensified, "Ah shit, I told you I'm not good."

"You were pretty good, was I good?" Cherry Blossom giggled, her ass feeling numb but she forced herself up to grab Werewolf's face, pecking his lips.

He couldn't help but grab her back, kissing her once more as another round of fireworks came on.

By 12 pm, they were asleep with Cherry Blossom in Werewolf's arms, cuddling happily away as Cherry Cookie waited confused about why her firework signals weren't working for Cherry Blossom to come back home.


Word count: 878

My parents just banned me from electronics so I started crying and was really upset (though they didn't notice since I'm quiet XD/Xd)... until they said I'm still allowed to write and draw with it... so I'm mostly alright?

Also, I have went to having a cold, recovering in one day, to going 99% mute

Anyways, I hope this chapter is okay, sorry for not posting as quickly as before, and have a good day/night!

- Crimson

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