🤍Wildberry x Crybaby G/N🤍

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Cold But Kind

For: raiderfam777 

Labels: 🤍

* Note: Crybaby G/n is a non-gender specified reader who cries a lot, except they will not complain. I'm making them extra caring lol.

No'ones Pov

Wildberry knocked on Y/N's door and waited a few seconds before Y/N flung it open.

"Hi, Wildberry!" Y/n exclaimed brightly.

"Hi Y/n, are you ready to go?" Wildberry questioned, glancing at their feet nervously.

"Y-yes!" Y/n said, and they shut the front door behind them.

Wildberry turned around for a split second to get the flowers he had brought for them when suddenly-

"EEEP!" Y/n squealed.

Wildberry whirled around knowing well that they had fallen as they were clumsy. Y/n fell onto their knees with a crash and tears collected in their eyes before sliding down.

"O-oww," Y/n cried, upset, "Not again..."

"Are you alright, Y/n?!" Wildberry said concerned, noticing their knees were scraped, "Do you want a bandaid?"

Hearing that, Y/n began to sob harder, confusing Wildberry and panicking at the same time.

"Y-you're so nice," They replied, wiping away tears, "It's okay, we need to g-get to the restaurant s-soon anyways."

Wildberry watched Y/n stumble up and stabilize themselves, and he gave a quiet chuckle. Y/n looked up pouty.

"Sorry, I remembered the first time we met," Wildberry explained, and the memory of the first day they met came to both their minds.


Wildberry just separated two fighting drunks and had decided to buy himself a drink down at the vending machine. He was just about to take out his wallet when someone bumped into him from behind causing him to nearly drop his wallet.

"I-I'm so sorry!" The cookie behind him squeaked apologetically.

Wildberry turned around and saw a cookie with H/C coloured hair and E/C eyes who had a few tears streaming down their face. They wore gray shirts and shorts, and the colour of the T-shirt was stained with tears.

"Are you alright?" Wildberry asked politely, already forgiving the crying cookie, "What's your name?"

"Y-yes! It's Y-y/N," They replied, and their tears came down harder, "You're so nice to ask me my n-name. I-I'll treat you somewh-where- Wait, h-how rude of me, wh-what's your name?"

"It's Wildberry," He replied, patting their H/C hair, "And it's fine."


"We're here Y/n," Wildberry said, turning to them.

"Woah! Th-this is the place you wanted to go to?" They replied in awe, before bursting into, what else, but tears, "Wahh, this is too expensive I don't-"

"It's fine Y/n, I just got a pay rise anyways," Wildberry said, ushering them in.

"Hello! Welcome, do you have a reservation?" A waiter said as we entered the restaurant on the fifth floor.

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