🤍 Crossaint X Mocha Ray 🤍

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Name it if you want requestor cuz I always end up searching stuff up for meanings for a deep complex name and rn I'm too tired.

For: yogurt_creamyourking

Labels: 🤍 

No'ones Pov

"No matter what time it is, I can trust you," String Gummy said with a stoic face, before leaving. 

"I can fix anything!" Crossaint reassured before going back to repairing the complex machine. 

Hours slipped away as Crossaint attempted to fix the complex machine that seemed to be ruined beyond redemption after the last time-travelled mission. She muttered a few swears under her breath, a bead of sweat dripping down, "Damn it... I swear..."

Her phone buzzed and she darted a glance over. It was a text from Mocha Ray, asking what flavoured boba tea she preferred. Crossaint began to reach over before flinching and stopping, realizing grease was all over her squash-brown gloves. Instantly, her mind was focused on the machine at hand and she growled. 

"I can do this!" She chanted optimistically, "I can fix anything! Easy-peasy!"

With Mocha Ray

Mocha Ray tapped her phone impatiently, waiting for her reply. She wanted to make this thing called, 'boba tea' that cookies seemed to enjoy consuming, but she had little experience, no ingredients, and no idea what flavour Crossaint liked. In truth, Mocha Ray would have settled for some mocha, but apparently, there was a thing called coffee boba and it sounded interesting. 

Plus the little bubbles that floated around at the bottom looked so... cute! And Sea Fairy said there were other toppings like jelly pearls and sea salt foam. 

I will make this boba team Mocha Ray thought to herself, humming as she looked over the city. She picked up her phone and refreshed the messages. Mocha Ray sent some impatient texts to Crossaint and she hadn't been replying. It made Mocha Ray worry that she was time travelling or fixing rifts again or reconstructing some sort of machine. 

Ah... Crossaint must be busy... how will I be able to make her drink? Mocha Ray thought, disappointed.

Mocha Ray sighed, shaking her head, no, I'm close with Crossaint. I have a general idea of what she wants. What better way than to surprise her?

A few hours after

"Almost... fixed...this..." Crossaint said hoarsely, blinking her strained eyes at the mess in front of her. 

She yawned, her eyes watering. Her mood was down as her frustration got the better of her. She was already tired from working all night and chasing after a copycat of Twizzly and she just couldn't seem to figure out the strange machine. She was sure she could fix anything, she promised herself that.

Crossaint's phone has buzzed a few times Mocha's texts from four or so hours ago, which grew in time distance each text. She took off her gloves and wiped her foggy goggles with a cloth from her belt. 

"No problem... absolutely none!" She said, breathing quickening, "I got thi-"


"Sorry, but busy!' Crossaint exclaimed, turning quickly around, "Hey Ray- wait, what?"

"Hey hon," Mocha Ray smiled softly, holding up two drinks contained in transparent cups.

"Oh, what's that?" Crossaint asked, wiping her dirty gloves on the floppy towel.

"They're my first few attempts at making boba tea," The guardian answered, sitting down on top of a cleaner piece of rubble.

"Maybe later, I'm working on this right now. I'm really close!" Crossaint said determined, wiping a hair strand away. 

Mocha Ray sighed but didn't argue as she watched her eagerly test out new attempts. From the photo in the morning, Crossaint sent, the machine certainly did look better than it did before. 

Even so, Crossaint sent the text joking about how the machine looked messed up at 8 in the morning.... and it was already 4 in the afternoon! Eight hours passed since then, and Crossaint didn't look well. Mocha Ray understood how dedicated Crossiant was to her work, but she was concerned, to say the least.

After watching Crossaint mutter some more quotes under her breath, Mocha Ray stood up, "Crossaint... you should take a break. Have you eaten yet?"

Crossaint shook her head in no. She twisted a few bolts in the machine and checked it over once more. It sputtered and gasped, but the thing didn't last. In irritation, Crossaint buried her hands in her dirtied gloves with a groan. She stared at her reflection in one of the shiny metals on the floor and groaned again, seeing her face dirty.

Mocha Ray calmly wrapped her arm around her. "That's enough hon," She said, kindly but firmly.

"But! How could I just quit now? I'm so close, I know it!" Crossaint protested, but Mocha Ray could tell more than Crossaint that she was on the verge of a breakdown.

"Just try this out, okay? I spent a lot of time working on this boba tea and it wasn't easy. It was my first time and I made everything from scratch," Mocha Ray suggested, smiling softly, and adding with a mutter, "I wanted to just jump into the abyss after a while..."

"..." Crossaint stared at Mocha Ray's boba tea, filled with Mocha with jelly pearls, jelly, sago, and sea salt foam. 

"Omg, that's a lot of toppings," Crossaint let out a small chuckle, slowly taking off her gloves, "Is mine this crazy?"

Mocha Ray smiled, dabbing away the filth off Crossaint's face with a clean towel, "Oh no, you may be great with complex machines or whatever crazy inventions, but I think something simple would be better for today."

Crossaint looked at her, intrigued and happy from the hidden compliment. 

"I didn't know what else to make since you never replied to my text..." Mocha Ray scolded and Crossaint hung her head pouting.

"But here," Mocha Ray said, placing the cool boba tea against Crossaint's head. The classic creamy white and gold brown swirls in the brown sugar bubble tea mixed slowly into each other as the tapioca pearls crowded the bottom of the drink, "I think my cooking skills improved."


Word count: 954

I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, I didn't really know what to write since the character didn't interact before and I don't play cookie run TwT.

What are y'alls favourite boba drinks? :3

ALSO I DIDNT PUBLISH A ONESHOT EARLIER TO SAY THIS BUT YAY HAZBIN HOTEL IS OUT (Ik I'm like 10 days late, and maybe half of you guys don't know what the heck I'm talking about, but I'm just hyped up! Plus oh my gosh 2024 animes... eeeeeek)

Anyways, have a good day/night!

- Crimson

Btw I love coffee bubble tea, less sugar XD (Yep, still a coffee addict here)

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