🎂 Birthday/other announcements 🎉

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(This is not a story)

Mkay, so I know I said I don't like posting announcements, (eg, 'dump') but this is somewhat important :]


Let's start with announcements, which should interest you if you read the majority of these chapters! (And also you might not care abt/don't want to know my age lol)

I had my English finals last week, announcing the start of exam seasons. I'm also in a rush to finish a painting for the school plus 3-4 paintings for my teachers and a desperate attempt to finish my first animation music video and a gcmv I paused working on for 5 months before this school year ends(helppp).

Therefore, I'm likely going to be extremely busy, and although I'm not putting this book on hiatus, my posting schedule might be slow once more. Don't worry, I'll try to post at least twice a month :D.

(I still remember the first few months where I posted every 2-5 days and barely had any requests, you guys brought this so far tysm TwT. Also in 7 days, it's going to be my 2nd anniversary of Wattpad :0)

Birthday part

So yay it's my birthday >XD! (I was supposed to post this 19 hours ago halpp T-T) Anyway, I was originally planning to post a smutshot and a chapter on my espresso fanfic, but I'm tired after vacation and all that driving (I was carsick for half that trip, Xd.

I'm happy that you guys think - (At least I think, according to my friends/online ex/comments?) -  that I'm older than I am since that means my writing skills are pretty decent :3

But that makes me nervous to tell you my age, because how do I put it, if I were born a year later I would have been a Gen Alpha like my 2 sisters 💀.
(Sorry if this is disappointing to anyone and yeah, I am not mentally okay)

I'm curious if you find that disappointing, or if you guessed it, or if you're going to accept it since writing quality is what matters rather than age :>

Mkk I'm going to go take a bubble bath now and seriously catch up on sleep. (After I finish some art and post on insta heheh)

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