♣️ Wildberry X Crunchy Chip ♣️

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For: orangejuicebox1 orangejuicebox1

Labels: ♣️

"Ugh, I can't believe you bribed me into your bedroom," Crunchy Chip muttered, blushing while eating the pie Wildberry bought for him.

"You were going to come in anyways," Wildberry pointed out, throwing his dirty shirt off.

"W-Why are you taking off your top?!" Crunchy Chip yelped, covering his face and hiding his blush. He made sure his fingers weren't completely blocking the view though, as he admired Wildberry's sculpted build. 

"Because you got into a fight with that cookie who tried to fight back and throw the pie onto your shirt but he missed and it landed on my shirt instead," Wildberry said bluntly.

Wildberry threw on a new white shirt and Crunchy Chip chucked the remaining pie onto the shirt. Wildberry froze and looked up, raising an eyebrow.

"You wasted some pie," Wildberry said, taking off his shirt again.

Crunchy Chip stuck out his tongue, "Ehh, worth it to see you shirtless again!" 

Wildberry gave a low chuckle and didn't pick up his next clean shirt, "You like the view."

"N-no!" Crunchy Chip stuttered, glaring at the taller male, "Well, maybe, but why do you have to say it like that?!"

"Like what?"

"Never mind, just come here!" Crunchy Chip demanded.

Wildberry obediently walked towards the bed and towered over Crunchy Chip who looked at him as if he wanted to tell him to sit down. That was what Wildberry interpreted anyway, so he sat down beside Crunchy Chip.

Crunchy Chip leaned in and placed a hand on Wildberry's chest, swiftly changing his position so he was on his knees. He kissed Wildberry roughly, not surprising him at all. Wildberry grabbed Crunchy Chip's head with his hand and their lips crashed together. Wildberry dominated quickly and his tongue swirled around Crunchy Chip's mouth as his hand rubbed the wolf boy's back. Crunchy Chip groaned as Wildberry's other hand grabbed Crunchy Chip's free wrist and he was forced to lay down under Wildberry's weight. 

Wildberry carefully took off Crunchy Chip's outfit and pants, as Crunchy Chip whined and told him to hurry up. Normally, Wildberry would have either told Crunchy Chip to do it himself, or in most cases, hurry up, but not during sex. Wildberry speed slowed down even more as he left a trail of marks and nibbles down Crunchy Chip's neck, chest, and stomach, which made Crunchy Chip whimper and mew.

"Hurry up," Crunchy Chip begged, horny.

"Be patient," Wildberry smirked, not admitting watching the shorter male get angry was amusing to him even during sex.

Wildberry unbuckled his pants and he threw it off the bed, making it land on the pile of dirty pie clothing. His boxers went off afterward and CrunchyChip shoved Wildberry backwards before he could have reacted. Crunchy Chip bent forward and flicked his tongue teasingly at Wildberry's cock and Wildberry twitched. Crunchy Chip licked Wildberry's 6" cock. He put his mouth over it and began sucking it, wetting it.

Crunchy Chip quickened causing Wildberry to tremble. Wildberry grabbed Crunchy Chip's back of his head as his fingertips and toes became tingly and his breathing became jagged. Without warning, Wildberry came and sweet cum filled Crunchy Chip's mouth. Wildberry's stomach unravelled without him realizing and he muttered a sorry.

"Let's get cleaned up," Crunchy Chip said.

"I think you forgot that I am top for this," Wildberry said, pushing Crunchy Chip back down.

Wildberry grabbed Crunchy Chip's wrists with one hand and held it above the shortie's head. Using his other hand, he stuck a thick finger into Crunchy Chip\s hole and a moan escaped from Crunchy Chip's lips.

"Can I continue?" Wildberry said, freezing.

Crunchy Chip nodded vigorously, "Please please please."

Wildberry moved his finger quickly making Crunchy Chip gasp yet he wasn't dishevelled yet. Wildberry placed another finger into Crunchy Chip and pumped his fingers in and out, making the man start shaking. Wildberry took out both his fingers and looked at Crunchy Chip who nodded with a begging look.

Wildberry shoved his cock into Crunchy Chip who gave a sharp yelp. Wildberry waited for Crunchy Chip before continuing. He stuck three fingers into Crunchy Chip's mouth, which he nearly gagged on several times. The fingers nearly covered all his loud moans as Wildberry's speed heightened.

 In under two minutes, Wildberry was fully ramming himself into Crunchy Chip. Crunchy Chip\s head fell off the bed and his eyes rolled back to stare at the bedroom's ground. His looks were a mess as Wildberry completely trusted into him. Crunchy Chip gave a shuddering gasp and a quick warning before the white sticky liquid spilled all over the sheets. Wildberry came a few seconds afterwards for the second time, breathing heavily. He whipped away a bead of sweat and looked at the mess and Crunchy Chip's chaotic yet cute look.

"Oh damn," Crunchy Chip mumbled, stumbling to stand on his feet, "You're going to need to wash more than two t-shirts."

"Yes," Wildberry nodded.

"I also want more pie," Crunchy Chip sighed, recollecting himself, "Maybe we can go shopping for pies after we clean up."

"Okay, sure," Wildberry agreed.

Then after a few moments of comfortable silence, Wildberry added, "It's your fault you wasted the pie."


Word count: 849

I am kinda tired, I'm sry y'all ik i said that i was posting last week but suddenly i had 2 new projects etc. I need to straighten out my sleep schedule cuz sleeping from 12-5 on some days and 2-7 on other days prob won't work out.

My plan: sleep from 5-7PM and 4-7AM

Anyways, I hope this chapter was alright (Omg I can't recall last time i wrote smut ngl), and have a good day/night!

Immi take a short nap and hopefully wake up in 30mins, wish meh luck XD (12:30 rn for me)

Update: I fell asleep-

- Crkmsxn

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