🌧❤️The Ladder🤍🌧

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Espresso's Pov

I raised my quaking right hand over her head and onto the next rung of the ladder as I tried lifting my left foot onto the rung above. The ladder which dangled from what seemed like nowhere started to swing violently and I let out a yelp and clung to the ladder shaking. I tried not to cry, I didn't cry. Not to anyone, not even alone. I bottled it up.. except when it came to him. Just the thought of his beautiful blue eyes that looked like a a jeweled sky made me feel like breaking down.

Where will this ladder end? I thought in despair, gazing up into the misty sky. No moon shone and the air around me was thick with fog. I didn't know how high I was, I even began to lose sense of time. My powers had chosen this time not to work, great.

I wanted to stop climbing this wretched ladder with my aching body, but I couldn't. Not after all that he helped me with. Not after he made me feel like there's something worth living for. I couldn't give up. Not now.

"Espresso! You probably haven't aten yet, so I brought you an apple!" A voice cried out cheerfully.

I looked up to see a young boy with blue eyes and blonde hair. I turned my head away in annoyance as the boy approached me and plopped himself down happily besides me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Well, you didn't eat anything for lunch and I thought you'd be hungry!" The young boy said.

"I told you, leave me alone twerp," I grunted but eyed the fresh apple hungrily, "Ugh whatever."

"I told you my name is Madeleine! I'm also taller than you and an year older!" The boy huffed as he handed the apple to me.

"I don't care," I said, "Go away."

"But we're both lonely.." Madeleine mumbled, "I thought we could play together."

"I'm not lonely! Alot of people want to play with me!" I argued, "And you aren't lonely either! Every kid wants to play with you!"

"They only want you because you're pretty!" He exclaimed, "I'm pretty too, but not as cute as you."

"You- you think I'm pretty?" I said in surpise, a light blush grew onto my cheeks, "Th-thanks I guess. Still, go away."

"Never!," Madeleine grinned and hugged me despite my protests, "I promise we'll stay together forever and ever!"

"Yeah yeah," I mumbled, but after a while I whiepered, "I promise too.."

My eyes widened and I felt something wet drip down my cheek and it wasn't rain. Tears. I sniffed and wiped the drop away with my sleeve. I glanced up into the sky once more. I promised, and I don't go back on promises, even when they were made at the age 5. No matter how emo I may seem like to anyone else, a promise is something I keep. I pulled myself up, up, up. I felt a sharp raw pain go through my hands making me wince and nearly lose my balance. I stared at my hands to see them bright red and starting to bleed. 

I ignored it and climbed higher and highed, despite the burning pain in my hand. Madeleine was an anoying boatful light magic idiot, but he was my idiot. His friends turned out okay, but I didn't love them, they were nuetral. Madleine had a special spot carved into my heart. Five month after he asked me to be his boyfriend, he proposed. 'Stay with me forever as my love,' He had said, 'I love you'

I love him, and he wasn't going to die from being kidnapped by a damned cookie called Dark Enchantress. I'll kill that wizard if she ever harms him. I don't believe that if I finishes climbing this ladder she'll give madeleine back like she promised, but I was ready to do anything. I squinted and gave out a tiny gasp. Sunlight shone through bits of the clouds like shattered glass. Sitting ontop a glass platform was a tall winding castle the color of pearls and magic. The clouds parted away as I went up highedr the pain almost gone numb.

I noticed a giant crystal cage in the center of a black and red castle above the dark crystal fountain. It was twisted with black leaves and spiky poison vines snaking around the bars. Inside.. was Madeleine. He was pale like he hadn't eaten, his blonde hair looking white and drooping around him and his eyes looked dull. He no longer radiated happiness, only despair.

"MADELEINE!" I screamed.

In panic I grabbed the next rung.. when suddenly the rope snapped. I froze in shock as my hands let go and my foot slipped making me fall. I was falling, falling from thousands of feet above the ground. I flew plenty of times before, but this was different. I couldn't access my powers and I.. and I failed.

I let out a sob, I failed. I couldn't save him, I broke the promise. I'm worseless.

"ESPRESSO!" A voice called out.

I opened my puffy eyes to see Madeleine plummeting to her. He grabbed my shirt and pulled her close.


"Let's fall to our deaths together," He whispered, "I rather die with you then be dead inside."

"GET THEM!" Dark Enchantress's voice screeched from above, but the background noises all faded.

"I love you," I sobbed, tears falling, "I love you so much, even if I've been a jerk sometimes."

"I love you too, now stop crying, it isn't like you," Madeleine soothed.

They fell, and they died.. but together.

Before being reborn once more as the cycle of life continues.


Word count: 932

This was for an HLAT I wrote, and so I modified it a bit :)


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