🤍 Clotted Cream X Espresso 🍋

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The things I'm willing to do


Labels: 🍋🤍

Noone's Pov


Clotted Cream ignored him and pushed open the door to his house. He slammed it shut and made his way to Espresso's house which was close by. Last month, he convinced Espresso to move closer to his manor when he told him that he would pay for all expenses including new lab equipment if Clotted or one of the nearby citizens and workers caused the distraction or explosion. Plus, Espresso did like the thought of being closer to his secret boyfriend, even though it was riskier that way.

Clotted Cream had also proposed to pay for monthly coffee for Espresso, but he had rejected the offer saying that he could make better coffee than anyone in the Republic and even earth bread. Of course, it was a huge claim, but Clotted Cream believed him.

That was something Clotted Cream loved about Espresso. He loved how he was independent, smart, quick-witted, gifted, oh he could go on, but one thing Clotted disliked about Espresso was how he refused to even get a wink of sleep unless his body collapsed on him which happened every week or so. 

Clotted Cream himself couldn't go three days without sleep, even with all his piling duties. He had made the rule to receive at least two hours of sleep each night or day so that he could perform his tasks to the fullest. Of course, he knew his beloved scientist could function greatly by simply surviving on coffee, but it wasn't the healthiest. This was why Clotted Cream was checking up on Espresso, as he hadn't slept a wink for the past few days.

He arrived at Espresso's new house, and sure enough, the lights were still on and the silhouette of Espresso was seen through the dark chocolatey brown curtain. Clotted Cream sighed and went to the door, then knocked it three times. A few seconds later, the door was opened to reveal a grumpy-looking Espresso.

"Clotted, may I ask why you are here?" Espresso questioned politely, stepping aside to allow Clotted Cream to enter, "It is quite late at night."

"For you, darling~" Clotted Cream winked, tilting Espresso's head up by the chin gently.

Espresso tsked but his face turns slightly pink. He turned away and strode towards the room he used to conduct most of his research. 

When he noticed Clotted Cream had followed him instead of walking out the door, Espresso commented, "You'll get in quite a lot of trouble for that if I am not wrong."

"Heh, perhaps, but when it comes to you I'd do anything," Clotted Cream said soothingly, running his hand through Espresso's dark brown hair and pale clay-coloured strands, "Do you not wish for me to be here?"

"I wish for you not to be in trouble," Espresso huffed, trying not to act like he was enjoying Clotted Cream toying with his hair, "I-I'm busy conducting an important experiment as you can see."

Clotted Cream looked at the bubbling liquids and notebooks spilled across the desk with scribbles of Espresso's handwriting. It looked like it was a very busy process, but on closer examination, Clotted Cream could tell that the potions needed time to brew. Perhaps... half a day even.

"You can't fool me darling~" Clotted Cream chuckled.

"Go away please," Espresso sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

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