🤍 Lemon X Orange 🤍

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For: z3emmy 

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No'ones Pov

"Clear skies! It's perfect for some tennis!" Orange exclaimed in declaration, but when she saw Lemon's tired arms, she said, "But since we've been doing tennis for the past few days anyways, why don't we go do some karaoke?"

"Sure, I guess," Lemon said nonchalantly letting out a sigh of relief.

When he played tennis, he always mistakingly used too much energy at the beginning and zapped the ball too hard. Then, his energy depleted and he had to solely rely on arm strength, which isn't something he was good at. Even with his skills, he hit the ball into the net, or out of bounds, or not at all. And every time, Lemon cheered him on from the other side of the net loudly, which made him want to crawl under a rock... but it did relieve him that he had a supportive girlfriend and not a toxic one. 

"Okay, let's go! I booked us a karaoke room already!" Orange said happily, grabbing Lemon's hand.

As they got into Orange's car, Lemon asked, "When did you book the Karaoke room?"

"Oh, I didn't! But a few girlfriends of mine asked if I wanted to karaoke with them," Orange confessed, "They said I could bring you!"

"B-but won't it be awkward," Lemon said, using his jacket to cover his face.

"Nope!" Orange said, "They bought their dates too."


"Say, what music have you been listening to lately?"Orange asked, knowing the answer, "How about I guess? If I'm correct you'll forgive me for inviting you to a crowd without a heads up!"

"Okay then," He said, then adding more quietly, "Seems kind of unfair."

"EDM?" She answered, turning back to wink.

"Focus on your driving before we crash," Lemon said anxiously, and waited for her to face forward, "And yes."

"All's forgiven! Alright, let's go," Orange giggled, turning off the engines.

Lemon's ears were pounding as he and Orange opened the door to the loudest karaoke room. Immediately, the shy cookie cowered behind his spunky outgoing girlfriend, who was already greeting everyone.

Everyone but Lemon spent the first three hours cheerfully singing away. Orange went up last, and she decided to sing a love song. It was clear as the day who she was singing for, and Lemon felt himself turn completely red. The keys were off-tune and killed his ears, and made him more obvious to the song at the same time, making him flush redder. So he was red due to embarrassment and happiness.

It was nearly 5:30 PM, so everybody agreed to stop and eat. Orange scorched beside Lemon and whispered, "What do you want to eat?"

Lemon shrugged, "Dunno."

"What about French fries and cheese? Ooo, they also have onion rings," Orange said in awe, breaking the whisper "Also have you seen the drink menu? They have orange juice! And lemonade. We should get those."

"Okay, here's some money," Lemon said, giving her half the price of the items, "I'm going to use the washroom."

When he came back, most of the food had arrived. Orange had eaten some of the french fries but was mainly focused on eating the huge lava cake with marshmallows. Lemon slid beside her and she momentarily said hello before laughing with her friends and eating more cake. Lemon wanted some cake but didn't know how to ask, so he sipped his lemonade quietly and ate some onion rings. 

"Do you want some cake?" Orange asked, falling against the sofa satisfied.

Lemon nodded and mumbled, "Yeah, do you have a spoon?"

"Nope! But you can take mine,  here!" Orange exclaimed, scooping some of the fallen lava cake exterior and mini melted marshmallows.

She held her spoon out and Lemon blushed but agreed to be spoon-fed for a bit. Until one of the marshmallows hit his nose and made a sticky glob making Orange giggle.

"You're so cute!" Orange said, kissing his nose, then bopping it.

"No," Lemon said, wiping off the white glob as Orange argued in the background.

"Yo! Let's get some more karaoke done!" One of Orange's friend's bf announced.

The group sang some more songs, including Orange with more songs for her boyfriend, and finally she didn't want to wait anymore. So she shoved Lemon on stage gave him the microphone and started playing his favourite song, _____. [Insert your choice.]

Lemon started singing, and his self-consciousness reached him quickly. Not many people were listening and mostly just chatting with each other. He had a good voice and anyone who heard him sing a few times could vouch for him, but he didn't feel confident in the current state. Some people were nodding along and enjoying him singing while they were scrolling on their phones and just getting some shut-eye, but...

Orange was watching. She wasn't saying anything, but she was smiling madly and giving him two thumbs up. She was listening. 

She was caring about him and she chose his favourite song. One person was listening and watching him, and that person was his favourite person. 

And that was enough for him. 

-> P.S. Orange non-stop complimented him after he was done singing, on the car, and until they had to sleep.


Word count: 838

I want to go karaoke at a karaoke bar now y'all TvT.

Anyway, I hope this chapter was allright. I need to start my day soon before the sun does it for me XD.

Have a good day/night!

- Crimson

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