💛 Gingerbrave 💙

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Big brother
For: No_Clue_At_All

Labels: 💛💙

3rd person's pov

"I'm really happy for you!" Strawberry exclaimed.

"Yeah, GJ!" Wizard congratulated Gingerbrave.

"But I don't want to leave you guys," Gingerbrave said sadly.

"I'm sure someone will adopt us soon," Strawberry mumbled, "We're only 5, and Custard got adopted by king pure Vanilla already."

"I'm 9, and we might be adopted by a king or queen like them," Chili Pepper whined.

"Gingerbrave!" One of the orphanage caretakers called out, "Your dad and new brother are here to pick you up."

Gingerbrave waved hugged goodbye to his closest friends at his orphanage. Even Chili Pepper hugged him. She acted tough and annoyed, but she was going to miss him.


"Dark Choco! Dad says it's time to train!" A 7 years old Gingerbrave yelled out to an almost 15 years old Dark Choco.

"I don't want to, go play with Custard or something," Dark Choco scowled, "Go tell Caramel Arrow to meet me in my room tonight at 11."

"Ok.." Gingerbrave mumbled, leaving the room.

He went down the hall to outside where the cold harsh wind and snow was. He bumped into his dad on the way to Caramel Arrow.

"Gingerbrave, where's Dark Choco?" Dark Cacao asked angrily.

Gingerbrave would never tell his dad that he still thought he was a tad bit scary. He knew Dark Cacao loved him and was just worried about him often. He was pretty sure he was just strict because he loved Dark Choco as well.

"U-um, he said he was too tired," Gingerbrave mumbled, not telling the full truth but not lying at the same time.

"What has gotten into him these days? Always complaining and arguing and sneaking off," Dark Cacao  growled in annoyance, "Well, go and have fun with Custard, but you will start training when you become 10. Tell his dad I said hi."


Before Gingerbrave could protest, he was ushered off into the carriage.


"What's wrong? You aren't as cheerful as before," Custard asked Gingerbrave, "Do you want me to get you something to eat?"

"H-huh?" Gingerbrave said, breaking from his thoughts, "That's alright, it's just that Dark Choco isn't acting like himself. Or it's just my imagination."

"What do you mean? I thought your family got along typically well?" Custard asked curiously.

"I always hear them arguing with each other, and Dark Choco is always angry. He barely wants to play with me anymore," Gingerbrave explained, "Dad's also getting more and more annoyed and angry with him."

Custard nodded his head and waited for his friend to continue.

"Caramel Arrow is now the only one who Dark Choco talks with, but he gets really angry at her when she tries to get him to train or come to eat or talk with Dark Cacao," Gingerbrave sighed

"I'm sure it's just because of goth sport or something," Custard reassured brightly, "My brother, Madeline, grew super tall suddenly and is very secretive. He keeps bothering Espresso and tries getting him to hang out with him."

"Plus, it's his birthday tomorrow, he has to be cheerful then!" Custard continued.

"Alright, if you say so," Gingerbrave said.


"Goodnight!" Gingerbrave said to Dark Choco.

"Goodbye," Dark Choco replied.

Gingerbrave thought it was weird how he said goodbye instead of goodnight, but he didn't question it.

But the next day.. Dark Choco disappeared.

"Find him!" Dark Cacao commanded his guards when he heard the news.

Caramel Arrow was crying into Gibgerbrave's shoulder but he couldn't process what was happening. Why did Dark Choco leave on his birthday? Didn't he love him?

"Dad? Where did Dark Choco go?" Gingerbrave whimpered.

"I don't know, but he'll come back soon," Dark Cacao said, patting Gingerbrave's head.

Dark Choco never returned by himself. Gingerbrave was heartbroken, and he never moved on completely. Neither did Dark Cacao, who isolated himself from everyone except Caramel Arrow making Gingerbrave lonely except for his friend Custard who he would occasionally visit. He missed his other friends more than ever. He wasn't even forced to train and that made him worry about his father.

So when he was 12, he left a note on his bedstand saying he left to explore the Earthbread.. where he gets attacked by a cake hound and wakes up reunited with..


Word count: 715

Hope you enjoyed, and have a good day/night! ❤️

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