♣️ Financier x Clotted Cream 🤍

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For: cloudxyz13 cloudxyz13

Labels: ♣️🤍

No'ones Pov

Clotted Cream was taking a light stroll around the Republic, happy he got some time off. His bodyguard, Financier, was also allowed a day off if she liked. After a while of thinking, she gratefully accepted the offer from the elders.

Clotted Cream sighed as if tired, concealing his true feelings behind a calculated and sophisticated mask, but in truth, he felt lovesick. His heart longed for Financier to sleep beside him instead of on the nearby couch, yet at the same time, he wished Financier wouldn't be his bodyguard. He can undoubtedly defend himself, and he felt as if the more Financier stayed, the more his feelings would become complicated.

He didn't know what to do, for once.

Financier hid her feelings behind her mask of 'no-messing-around' as well, and at times Clotted Cream questioned what the knight was thinking. She sent mixed signals often. For example, leaning into his chest while grabbing a cup of coffee, or resting her head onto his head when he was stressed with all that darn paperwork. Then there are those times when she is cold to him, ignoring some of his flirty lines or shoeing away some girls who wanted to sleep with him.

Perhaps she was, jealous?  Clotted Cream pondered, It's a shame we may not be allowed to date...

He suddenly heard shouts coming from one of the lower allies where fighting often occurred. He tsked and was about to shrug it off and leave when he heard a familiar voice. Financiers. He turned and hurried down the creaky stone steps and into an alley, spotting the knight's blondish brown hair and white dress against the shabby alley.

Clotted Cream rushed to the scene, just in time to witness Financier bringing her hand down on a vital point of one of the cookies who appeared to be the attackers. Another two lay in the corner, already unconscious and cuffed. Financier, not having to realize Clotted Cream was there already, turned to the group of shivering kids.

"Are you okay?" Financier asked gently, "You shouldn't be walking around these parts of town."

"Look, your boyfriend's here!" One of the children, a girl with orange hair squealed, pointing straight at me.

Financier turned and caught my eyes, and both of them blushed. 

"Are you okay?" Clotted Cream asked her in concern, and she nodded.

"Thank you for your concern, ser. Also, little girl, we're not a couple, we're just acquaintances," Financier explained, but it appeared as if the giggling group of cookies had recovered from their shock and couldn't hear her.

"Yeah right," A boy with light purple hair scoffed brattily, and my eye twitched.

"Oh! I recognize them now! She's the famous knight and bodyguard of he's the consul!" A boy with dark brown hair exclaimed in awe.

"They're always flirting on camera!" The blonde girl in the group sighed, "My daddy always says that!"

"My mommy too!" The boy with light pink hair declared.

"Well, I know from watching them in person," The last cookie of the group, a girl with blue hair said snobbily, flipping her hair.

"We're not flirting!" Financier protested, blushing a bit harder, "Now, why don't you youngsters go on home?"

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