♣️ Clotted Cream X Affogato ♣️

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Affogato: The Cinderella taking lead

For: sobersilas 

Labels: ♣️

Noone's Pov

Clotted Cream stifled a yawn and straightened up, clearly tired from sitting on the throne and looking over the fancy party. He didn't want to talk to a princess, none of them interested him. He looked around again when two cookies behind the chocolate counter caught his eye making him crane his neck.

One of them had long fluffy blonde hair and the other had deep brown hair with creamy white swirls pinned at the back. The blonde one sure looked pretty, but it was the other who caught his attention. Clotted Cream stood up nonchalantly and walked down the steps and towards the two cookies. I have found my Cinderella, finally, Clotted thought, smirking.

He walked around the counter and plastered a smile on his face, "Hello miss, wou-"

He stopped midsentence and gaped at the two staring cookies with embarrassment and surprise. The blonde cookie had been Madeleine, the best knight in the Vanilla kingdom and one of the best paladins, and the other was a male who had come from the Dark Cacoa kingdom. 

"Hello my friend!" Madeleine exclaimed, ignoring Clotted's mistake to his relief, "Wait, my phone's ringing."

Sure enough, it was, and when Madeleine took it out a coffee bean whizzed by, nearly damaging the phone. The three cookies looked around to see Espresso striding towards them with composure, but he glared at Madeleine. 

"Heheh, I think I have to go! Have a good nightttt," Madeleine said as Espresso dragged him away.

Now, the two cookies were left alone. Clotted Cream glanced at Affogato, admiring his features. In his mind, Affogato was still very pretty. 

"I'm glad he left, I didn't want to hear any more stories," Affogato said, startling Clotted Cream, "That coffee mage annoys me as well, not as the knight, but hm, perhaps it's since I like Espresso that I am so angry."

"You do," Clotted Cream said, his heart beating fast with jealousy.

"He's cute, I want him beneath me <3" Affogato nodded, loving how Clotted Cream was reacting though he didn't glance at him directly.

Where did my charm go? Clotted Cream thought, looking at Affogato with such intense it could burn a hole through him. Affogato was trying to not look Clotted Cream's way. He did indeed was angry he didn't get to take control of Espresso, but now looking at Clotted Cream, he felt a rush of love and desire again. Finally, he gave in and looked at Clotted Cream who was still deep in thought.


"I was just thinking, someone like me is also quite famous, and hot, but I'm also interested in you," Clotted Cream smirked.

Affogato hid his blush and replied, leaning into Clotted's ear, "So you want to be controlled? You could be boring and I'll be too rough~"

Clotted Cream knew what Affogato was talking about. Both their minds had calculated what they wanted, how to get it, and how to hide it, and none of them were going to back down now. 

"I suppose there's only one way to find out darling," Clotted Cream said, pulling away and flipping his fluffy blonde hair making Affogato giggle.

When a popular song was announced and nearly all the cookies began dancing to it, the two slipped away into the quiet corridor and then to a guest room. Clotted Cream wrapped his arms around Affogato's waist, the intoxicating heat of the 2 aristocrats filling the room.

He leaned in and teased the prince, allowing him to place a small kiss, brushing his tongue against Clotted Cream'slip. Clotted Cream gave a frustrated grunt and Affogato giggled to himself at how impatient the prince was as he turned hard under him. Affogato pushed Clotted Cream against the bed, hungrily biting his lips and sliding his tongue across it harshly as if he wanted to devour him. Clotted Cream gave a small whine as he did so, his hand now supporting himself rather than trying to take control of the coffee cookie.

Affogato unwillingly yet hastily pulled away and Clotted Cream looked up to see him slip his robes off so only his boxers were on, making Clotted Cream's face turn red. Affogato looked at Clotted Cream's reaction happily before his mood changed. Clotted Cream snapped out of his trance of how hot he thought Affogato looked and took off his shirt. 

Clotted Creme's cock flipped up the second he did so, showing just how hard he now was. Affogato smirked and traced his finger from the edge of Clotted Cream's chest to it, stroking it and making the prince shiver. Finally, Affogato flipped the prince onto 'doggy style', and put one finger in causing a small moan to escape from Clotted Cream's lips.

Affogato pumped it in and out, adding a second finger into the prince's tight hole as Clotted Cream writhed and gasped below him. The second Affogato finished preparing, he placed his whole cock in violently, stuffing the guest pillow into Clotted's mouth to muffle his scream in annoyance. 

He grabbed Clotted Cream's waist with one hand, pumping in and out and using the other hand to playfully tug at his hair, enjoying how soft it was through his fingers and how the prince constantly looked back because of the abrupt harder tugs. 

Meanwhile, Clotted Cream was moaning and mewing, screaming Affogato's name in pleasure as he thirsted in and out harshly. He clutched the bedsheets tightly, shaking. He was determined to not cum first, but as Affogato quickened his pace, he found it hard for his arms to keep supporting his weight.

"Fu-, you're not bad Clotted," Affogato grunted, sending a shiver down Clotted Cream's spine hearing his name part from the coffee cookie's lips, "In or out?"

"Wha-" Clotted Cream gasped startled, one of his arms giving away, "Uhm, In!"

Affogato came first, the white liquid filling Clotted Cream with pleasure with some spilling out onto the bedsheets. Affogato pulled out satisfied and soon after, Clotted Cream came as well. Affogato's cock was sticky, sure, but not as much as Clotted Cream's body. Both cookies were panting and red-faced, but nevertheless, very pleased. 

"Well, I'll see you around," Affogato murmured, washing quickly using the guest washroom before tossing on his clothing and neatly smoothening it.

"After the ball?" Clotted Cream confirmed and Affogato hummed in reply.


Meanwhile, the godmother, Hollyberry, and her assistant, Princess, watch as the supposed Cinderella, Raspberry dance it off with Parfait after she changed into a casual white shirt reserved for princely figures. 

"Well, everyone still gets a happy ending, even the stepsiblings," Hollyberry pointed out at Pomegranate with Starfruit and Red Velvet with Pastry, "And saves me the trouble of lost expensive glass shoes..."

"I wonder if Clotted Cream and Affogato will invite us to their wedding," Princess sighed dreamily, giggling to herself as she took another one of Republic's famous desserts off the table.


Word count: 1128

Hii, hope this chapter was alr. I am currently a stressed child whose summer break is turning out to be even busier than school days who want to drink more coffee and tea and learn/accomplish several things in various pretty much opposite subjects resulting in me needing to sacrifice a few hours of sleep.

But like Espresso says: Sleep is not on my schedule

Anyways, hope you have a nice day/night! 

- Crimson

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