♣️ Clotted Cream X Affogato ♣️

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It's been too long

For: averriia 

Labels: ♣️

Affogato paced around the frost white snow, leaving affogato-scented footprints behind as he walked. He hated the imperfection it was creating, but he was getting too impatient to care much. He had been waiting for the Consul for hours, and he was still not there. Of course, he realized that second he probably was caught up in paperwork once again.

Affogato stomped to the Clotted Cream's manor and unlocked the door, allowing himself in. A nearby maid came to him to tell him to leave, but after one look at who he was, she scuttled away with a bow. Affogato was glad he had a great amount of power even in a foreign land.

"There you are," Affogato said, walking to Clotted Cream who was sitting on his cream-colored bed.

"Ah, Affo-

Clotted Cream was cut off by Affogato grabbing his chin and kissing him. Clotted Cream soon melted into the kiss, and he kissed back passionately. With all his Consul duties, he hadn't had the chance of meeting up with his lover.

Clotted Cream whimpered as Affogato bit his lower lip and grabbed his ass, pulling him up and deepening their kiss. Clotted Cream knew Affogato was impatient and annoyed at him for not going to him the second his workload was done. He also knew how Affogato loved sweets but his favourite candy of the Republic was sold out but his favourite treat wasn't. And that favourite treat happened to be him, and vice versa.

"You should've come straight to me," Affogato hissed, forcing Clotted Cream onto his knees.

"Well I'm sorry, master," Clotted Cream said cockily.

"Clotted, you don't want me angry~," Affogato growled, pulling Clotted's hair, "Take it off and strip."

Clotted Cream chuckled and unbuckled Affogato's belt, letting it fall onto to the floor. Then, he unzipped his lover's pants and pulled both it and his boxer down. Clotted Cream stroked Affogato's cock which was turned on. He opened his mouth and licked it slowly up and down in a teasing manner.

"Clotted, I swear-" 

Clotted Cream put Affogato's tip into his mouth but it wasn't any pleasure for Affogato whose eyes twitched. He grabbed the back of Clotted's head and pushed him forward sharply, making Clotted Cream gag as Affogato's cock hit the back of his throat. He sucked it continuously and Affogato finally began moaning in pleasure. 

Affogato came soon enough and the white liquid came into Clotted Cream's mouth. He knew Clotted wasn't planning to spit it out anyways, but Affogato grabbed his chin and forced him to open his mouth. He let go barely satisfied to see that Clotted Cream had consumed the cum already.

"Don't tell me that's all that you're doing," Clotted Cream chuckled, seeing Affogato had already let go of him.

"Of course not," Affogato spat, his eyes thinning, "Get onto the bed dear."

Clotted Cream went onto the bed willingly and flopped onto his knees and hand. Affogato slapped Clotted Cream's ass a few times until it turned red, and Clotted Cream flinched each time but didn't complain. 

Affogato decided it was enough after Clotted's ass turned strawberry red. Affogato flipped Clotted onto his back and he placed himself in front of Clotted Cream's hole. He clutched Clotted Cream's waist and roughly shoved himself inside. Clotted Cream moaned loudly and Affogato hissed at him to quiet down.

Affogato slowly moved in and out, quickening the pace as Clotted Cream moaned from beneath him. 

"Faster~" Clotted Cream begged and Affogato smirked.

Affogato's pace quickened as he thrust himself in and out. Clotted Cream's moans grew louder and his eyes rolled to the back of his head in pleasure. Affogato grabbed the nearest clothing and shoved it into Clotted's mouth to muffle his screams. Clotted Cream's fists clenched the bedsheets and his toes curled and uncurled rapidly. His legs began shaking and Affogato noticed.

"Pfft, are you at your climax?" Affogato grunted, not slowing his pace and Clotted Cream shakingly nodded through another scream.

Soon enough, white cum came from Clotted and the sticky substance spilled all over the bedsheets. Affogato pulled out and Clotted Cream winced, sitting up in pain. Affogato tugged his hair violently and he yelped.

"Show how much you're willing to do it again~" Affogato murmured, rubbing his hand against his back.

Clotted Cream tsked but obeyed, consuming the cum off the bedsheets as Affogato dressed hurriedly. Then, he threw Clotted Cream's clothing at him and he changed. The sheets were still damp so Clotted Cream called in some maids to send it to the washing machines.

"Then, I suppose I'll see you next time dear~" Affogato smirked and Clotted Cream chuckled as well, throwing back his messed-up hair.

"Next time, I'm top though," Clotted Cream said hoarsely.

Affogato turned around and swept out elegantly, not noticing there was cum at the bottom of his robes.


Word count: 789

Oh wow, thx for 6k+ 🎉

Hope this chapter was alr! I gotta finish this 5min trailer for english TvT.

Anyways, have a gud day/night!

- Crimson

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