♣️Affogato X Clotted Cream♣️

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I give up on naming these stuff lol

For: Wilburscootsupremacy

Labels: ♣️

No'ones Pov

"Hello darling~," Clotted Cream said as Affogato stormed into his room.

"Can you believe it? Someone ate my sweets! I had those pastries specially made!" Affogato complained, immediately flopping onto the bed and crossing his arms.

"Affogato, I love you, but I'm trying to focus on work right now," Clotted Cream said firmly, trying to focus on the paperwork piled in front of him.

"Then just continue working, I'll just rant to myself," Affogato huffed, crossing his arms.

The consul didn't reply, already busy looking over another request. Affogato muttered to himself angrily, pouting. A few minutes passed by, with him quietly talking in the background, but his voice slowly grew loud again. Clotted Cream sighed, rubbing his forehead as Affogato continued to complain.

"Darling, shh," Clotted Cream said, turning around to face Affogato.

"But it's not fair! Do they not know their places?" Affogato snapped pettily, "And you shouldn't be focusing on work. Give me some attention!"

"You better shut that pretty little mouth, or I'll put it to work, doll," Clotted Cream rumbled, standing up and sauntering over to Affogato, making him shiver. He towered over him, tilting Affogato's chin and staring down at him, "Yes?"

Affogato felt his cock jerk, straining against his pants as Clotted Cream's rich voice murmured in his ear, "Strip and get on your knees."

Affogato obeyed immediately, sliding out of his robes. Clotted Cream watched as he got down in front of him, feeling his erection growing. He unzipped his pants and dropped his boxers, throwing them aside, and revealing his stiff member.

Clotted Cream grabbed Affogato's soft hair, pushing his head down. Affogato wrapped his warm mouth around his cock, earning a soft groan from his boyfriend. His tongue swirled the head, bobbing up and down as Clotted groaned. Clotted Cream's breathing hitched as he guided Affogato's head, his hips bucking.

Clotted Cream's hot cum burst out, filling Affogato's mouth, and he tasted it, swallowing. Clotted Cream pulled his head back and Affogato opened his mouth, showing he swallowed.

"Good boy~" Clotted Cream purred, letting go of his chin, "You deserve a reward."

Clotted Cream grabbed Affogato's ass, dropping him onto the velvet bedsheets. He pushed Affogato onto his back, pinning his arms over his head with one hand.

Chuckling, he watched Affogato spread his legs, "So desperate for me, aren't you? You're so pretty when you're spread out like this."

His words sent shivers down Affogato's spine.

With his other hand, Clotted Cream hoisted one of Affogato's legs over his shoulder, then grabbed his hips. He lined his cock up with Affogato's hole, pressing against the entrance.

With a shove, he slid in roughly, making Affogato moan loudly and arch his back as his length completely filled and stretched him. Clotted Cream grunted, waiting for Affogato for a few seconds before slowly thrusting in deeper.

Affogato moaned, his eyes rolling back as Clotted Cream sped up, fucking him into ecstasy. The sound of flesh slapping against and moans filled the room, the whimpers Affogato made like music to Clotted Cream's ears.

With a cry, Affogato writhed, his cum shooting out of his cock, spilling over him and Clotted Cream.

Clotted Cream dipped to Affogato's neck, slowing down for a second. He bit it and licked the love mark, growling, "What a naughty boy~"

Quickening his pace once more, his cock thrusted roughly into Affogato who was still coming down from the high. Clotted Cream felt another orgasm approaching, and his thrusts turned erratic.

With a loud groan, he filled Affogato with his cum. He kept thrusting, milking him before he pulled out, leaving Affogato twitching and breathing heavily. Clotted Cream chuckled, wiping off the access cum with the bedsheet since it was ruined already.

Clotted Cream brushed back a strand of Affogato's hair, leaning down and pressing a kiss against his forehead. Picking up Affogato in his arms, bridal style, he carried him over to the bathroom. He gently set Affogato down into the lavish bathtub, joining him and turning on the tap.

Affogato allowed Clotted Cream to help bathe him, his hands rubbing the soap into his skin. The water was soothing and warm as they cleaned up slowly. Afterwards, they returned to Clotted Cream's bed, which had its sheets replaced during their time in the bath together.

Clotted Cream set Affogato down and gave a peck on his lips, allowing him to rest his sore bottom. He ordered some new pastries and coffee for them to enjoy (although Affogato monopolized the sweets, but that was fine with him).

Settling in bed with some paperwork and a pen, Clotted Cream leaned against Affogato, their body heats against eachother, as Affogato smiled in contentment.


I'm just going to say...
My smut writing has improved drastically since the first time I wrote it (well, overall my writing has improved lol). Although, there's still room for improvement TwT

Like what the heck 0.0. Before I would be worried if I'm writing it correctly, now I'm worried about my grammar XD.

Also random question you guys, how old do you think I am? XD (Curious since my b-day's coming up, dw I'll prob post the answer a day before my b-day)
Note: Don't look at the answer first 😭😑

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this smutshot, and have a good day/night! :3

- Crimson

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