♣️ SeaFairy (Trans) X Moonlight ♣️

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Midnight make-out

For: omandeez 

Labels: ♣️

No'ones Pov

"Hello again, my ocean," Moonlight breathed, floating down into her lover, Sea Fairy's, room.

"Moon!" Sea Fairy blushed, seeing Moonlight dressed in a thin silk nightgown yet looking like a princess from the moon itself, "What are you doing here, so late at night?"

"I missed you," Moonlight breathed, sauntering close to Sea Fairy, "And I want to..."

She leaned into Sea Fairy, pushing her against the wall so that there were inches in between them. Sea Fairy blushed harder, looking up into Moonlight's starry purplish blue eyes. She felt Moonlight gently tug down her blue dress, and she knew what she wanted. She was scared of Moonlight finding out her secret of being trans, but Moonlight would forgive her if she truly loved her... she hoped.

They both leaned in, slowly shutting their eyes. Their lips gently pressed against each other lovingly. Moonlight's tongue slipped into Sea Fairy's mouth and she gave a small moan but allowed her to move around. They took a small breath before diving in again, slightly rougher.

Sea Fairy took Moonlight's straps off so that she was only in her underwear now. It was Moonlight's turn now, and she pulled Sea Fairy's nightgown off, letting it slide to the ground. She pulled away just long enough to see the surgery stitches on Sea Fairy's chest. 

"Sorry I didn't tell you from the start my moon..." Sea Fairy said guilty, fearing the worst, but instead, Moonlight swung Sea Fairy around and onto her bed so that she was above her.

"I kind of already knew," Moonlight admitted, letting her fingers run through Sea Fairy's smooth blue hair, "I wished you'd trusted me enough, but it takes a lot of courage so I don't blame you."

Moonlight kissed Sea Fairy again despite the lover's shock. Sea Fairy was so happy she was accepted for who she was, but she could tell Moonlight wasn't going to let Sea Fairy go to bed with her just yet.

Moonlight placed her Sea Fairy's nipples and sucked on it gently, making Sea Fairy whimper. She continued while gingerly slapping the other, slowly speeding up and going harder, before switching, paying attention to both. Soon, she became tired and bored, wanting Sea Fairy to do something to her in return. Moonlight pulled Sea Fairy onto her and she flipped onto her back on the bed, glancing at her expectantly.

Sea Fairy understood and brought her tongue to her lovers clit, licking it. She continued to do it, receiving mews and tiny moans from Moonlight who gently grasped the bedsheets. Soon, her knees and legs buckled, so Sea Fairy pulled back. Moonlight whined, not liking how Sea Fairy stopped.

"Just put it in~" Moonlight said beggingly.

Sea Fairy gently put in one finger into Moonlight, then two. Slowly, she begun to scissor her, and Moonlight gave moans of pleasure, her stomach clenching. It was a bit harder for Sea Fairy, considering Moonlight was bucking her legs despite when she tried to hold it in place. Sea Fairy had to pin Moonlight's legs into a spread obtuse angle in order to give her the pleasure she wanted.

Finally, Moonlight's stomache unclenched and she came. White liquid came out and she breathed out, her face pink. She grabbed onto Sea Fairy's face and kissed her again, biting down on her lips hard enough to draw blood. Moonlight grasped her ass, pulling Sea Fairy onto her sore legs. They continued to kiss, naked in the dim moonlight of Sea Fairy's bedroom, before Moonlight finally pulled away with a happy smirk.

"Good night, beautiful," She hummed, slipping her clothing back on, "I should go back now~"

"Bye, my moon," Sea Fairy whispered back, slightly stunned now that she was beginning to process her acceptance by her lover, "I love you."

"I love you too," Moonlight smiled gently, before opening the window and floating to the moon once again, leaving just the wind blowing into Sea Fairy's room.


Word count: 635

Soo, I haven't done Wlw before, and I do apologize if it's short/bad. Although, I do love SeaMoon ship.

The next ship req. I got is also smth I pretty like, (Not spoiling). I'll prob finish it on track-and-field day, but if I don't, then in 4 days or smth. Yep, I got track-and-field, how fucking great :>

- Crimson

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