♣️ Black Pearl X Cavier ♣️

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For: inkediced

Labels: ♣️

No'ones Pov

Black Pearl had a big secret and a huge crush. Her first time seeing his face was when she sunk a ship and saw him in a newspaper. She considered tossing the paper straight into the underwater magma until his face caught her.

So before her curse kicked in she swam back to her room, her feet took over her tail, but no matter, she read the newspaper with great interest. Then, when her tail came back after an hour, she went back into the water, sunk another ship, and kidnapped a sailor, forcing him to answer her queries about Cavier. Black Pearl heartily let him leave...

...and he blabbered it to his friends and since he never returned to the waters she never took revenge. She never really knew anyways that Cavier heard the rumour, she focused mainly on sinking ships.

But then one day, Cavier was the one who was sailing her parts of the sea, and when she sunk him, she found out and became extremely panicked. It didn't help that the time of her curse was about to kick in, and so, with no other choice, she dragged him into her room where she transformed.

Less than 10 minutes later, thanks to how quickly Black Pearl acted, Cavier woke up, spitting water and coughing. When he looked around, he was met with frizzy white hair and hypnotizing white eyes. He felt his face heat up instantly at the beautiful girl, Black Pearl, who kneeled in front of him, checking his temperature.

"What am I doin' here?" Cavier queried, and Black Pearl sighed.

"Aw, you cookies are all so simple-minded, huh?" Black Pearl said, disappointed, and Cavier tsked, offended.

"Look here, I ain't like the other cookies! I'm a captain from respect, y'know!" Cavier huffed, stumbling up and Black Pearl tilted her in bemusement, "Eh-? Have we met before-?"

"I don't think so," Black Pearl said, blushing.

"Hm, oh! Aren't ya Black Pearl?" Cavier exclaimed and Black Pearl gave an embarrassed squeak.

She didn't know what to do or how she was feeling. It all felt too unreal. She felt her icy face feel warm and spiky, her heart was beating too fast. She was considering she had cancer.

"Y-yeah," Black Pearl nodded slowly.

"Huh, ya got legs though," Cavier pointed out, and Black Pearl gave a growl from the back of her throat, "Oh, the rumour of that cursed object was true, huh."

Cavier looked Black Pearl up and down, amused, but also dying on the inside. He hadn't expected Black Pearl to be this pretty! From what the surviving cookie had said, he said she was a terrifying cookie with razors for teeth!

"U-uh," Black Pearl stammers, "You measly cookie is welcomed t-to leave."

"I mean, you, puny cookie, are to leave and come back some other time when my legs return like this! Which, is every single fucking day!" Black Pearl said assertively, changing her tone.

"Heh, I see why not," Cavier shrugged, feeling like this was a great opportunity to get to know the cookie with who he fell in love at first sight.

Cavier extended a hand to help Black Pearl stand up, and she reached for it. She pushed herself up with great force and combined with the fact that she never completely got used to her legs and that Cavier was still light headed, she tripped and sent them tumbling forward.

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