🌧Red Velvet X Parfait (pt 2)🤍

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Broken Stars

For: azure_bluu

Labels: 🌧🤍

Red Velvet's POV

I entered the five-star restaurant and approached the executive, who reserved our table by the window, overlooking Tokyo. Sliding into the other seat, I took off my tinted glasses and folded them. I glanced to my right, out the window.

Parfait would love this view, a thought sneaked into my mind and I shook it away.

"What took you so long?" Pomegranate asked impatiently.

I replied curtly, "Is there a problem? I'm not late, it's 5:55."

On my way here, I saw a dress Parfait was sure to adore and got distracted for about 10 minutes. But there was no chance I was going to reveal that. I held my head high and my expression stoic, matching my equal role as another executive.

"Hm," Pomegranate hummed, narrowing her eyes. She paused, then said, "I suppose not."

I picked up the menu in front of me, although I wasn't hungry, "Then let's not waste time and order something first."

"Yes, let's," she agreed, picking up hers, "And then we can discuss the details."

Parfait's Pov

"Hmm... this is it!" I smiled, double-checking my phone and looking up at the tall tower.

I entered and ascended the elevator, humming to myself. The concert I sang at took my mind off things. Concerts were tiring, but at the same time, I always felt pumped up!

Although... I wish Red Velvet could have watched tonight. Still, I can't be mad. He did confirm he had an important business meeting that was unavoidable. Plus, he always supports me whenever he can. I'm sure he planned out something special for us to do tonight.

As I reached the top floor, I stepped out, adjusting my dress. It was a good idea to change into a formal dress instead of staying in my stage outfit. I thought, glancing around. I wore a dress with a pink sweetheart neckline, a high waist, and a layer of wavy silk skirt that dusted the floor.

"What's the reservation name?" The host asked as I approached the desk.

"Oh! We needed a reservation?" I exclaimed, embarrassed.

He nodded and I looked around, "Is the restaurant full tonight?"

"There is... one seat left," he said, looking over his paper, "Although..."

"Could you make an exception for me? Please?" I asked, lowering my tinted glasses so he could see my eyes.

The host recognized me after a second, masking his surprised sound with a cough. He looked me up and down silently, contemplating. Finally, he caved in, "I suppose. Please, follow me miss."

I beamed as he beckoned for me to follow, and I trailed after him. No one in the restaurant recognized me, since I wore tinted glasses and a short white-haired chin-length wig.

I sat down on the velvet chair and he handed me a menu book politely, before walking away.

I wonder if Red Velvet's meeting is over... I thought as I browsed the pages. Is it a good idea to call him right now to see if he can join me?

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