♣️ Red Velvet X Parfait ♣️

824 8 3

Before Concert

For: Azure_bluu 


Noone's Pov

"Shh, Chiffon!" Red Velvet hushed Chiffon who gave a jittery bounce, "I'll lift you up, just be quiet."

Chiffon gave a content whine as he got picked up by Red Velvet. Red Velvet tried appearing to be a fan and a puppy, who was about to greet the famous singer, Parfait, also known as Red Velvet's girlfriend. Red Velvet waited behind the wall for Parfait to show up after she greeted the press and more. Their meetup was dangerous right now, considering all the press lingering around, but Parfait had insisted that they meet up or she wouldn't perform well.

"Few! I finally got away from them!" Parfait huffed, dashing to where Red Velvet and Chiffon were, startling them, "Hii babe! Hi Chiffon! Aw, you're so cute in a tiny suit!"

"Hi sugar," Red Velvet said, giving Parfait a hug and dropping Chiffon in the process.

"Aww, your as handsome and adorable as ever!~" Parfait sang, and turned around, giving Red Velvet a hug tighter than his which was somewhat shocking.

"Hey, I thought I just saw Parfait turn this corner!" An unfamiliar voice from a reporter called, freezing the two lovers.

"Eeep!" Parfait screeched before being silenced by Red Velvet with his cake hand.

"Shh, come on," Red Velvet whispered in a low voice, then he hoisted Parfait up and carried her in bridal style.

He carried her into the elevator and hurriedly brought her to his hotel suite, shutting the door behind them swiftly but making sure Chiffon entered first. 

"R-red Velvet put me down now!" Parfait huffed, crossing her arm once she had registered what had happened.

He looked down and saw Parfait's exposed chest and bras due to her shirt slipping low, and he blushed a deep crimson red, quickly dropping her onto the bed with a thump. He mumbled an apology and looked away embarrassed.

Parfait looked at Red Velvet's face and giggled, "Teehee, what's the matter?"

"You should pull up your shirt," Red Velvet mumbled, trying not to look at Parfait with lust, knowing she had a concert she needed to go to in less than half an hour.

Just then, three knocks came from the door and Red Velvet cussed. Both of them stayed deathly silent when suddenly Chiffon barked loudly. 

"Ch-chiffon!" Parfait scolded, diving under Red Velvet's cover when they heard a familiar voice.

"Hello? I'm not going to babysit Chiffon as you asked me to if you don't open this door right now," Strawberry Crepe scowled sassily and both cookies sighed in relief.

"Right, thanks," Red Velvet said, opening the door.

Chiffon immediately leaped out and gave him a look that Red Velvet could only think that he was being delusional from, but he definitely didn't imagine Latte's smirky expression that she had before she shut the door.

Red Velvet turned around and found Parfait standing on the tips of her toes. She kissed him and Red Velvet responded by leaning forward and pushing her onto the bed. He flicked his tongue in before biting down harshly, his hand dipping under her skirt making Parfait shiver. His kiss and teasing continued for a few seconds before he pulled away and buried himself into her breast.

"By the witches Parfait, you have a concert," Red Velvet husked and Parfait's eyes widened.

"Then maybe I should... uhm..." Parfait mumbled but never got herself to finish the sentence as she already had Red Velvet's affection and she wanted to finish it, "But there's still twenty minutes before I have to leave... so... It's your choice."

"It's technically yours," Red Velvet said dangerously but when Parfait gave him a pleading look, he tsked.

He pushed her back down and unbuckled his pants as he placed one finger into Parfait's hole making her stifle back a moan. Red Velvet began scissoring her and preparing her as Parfait gave tiny mews and whimpers, tugging at her lover's hair playfully. 

Red Velvet then took off his boxers and positioned his cock in front of Parfait's hole, grabbing her waist. He waited for a second for permission before thrusting him in making Parfait give a loud moan. He accelerated his speed slowly but soon he was driving himself in. Parfait was moaning into a hotel pillow and her eyes were rolled back as she dissolved in pleasure. There was a roaring in their ears and Red Velvet smirked.

The adrenaline grew and Parfait snatched her pillow out of her mouth, and moaned, "Red Velvet, my dress, Ah~!"

Parfait's cut-up sentence ended abruptly with a moan, but Red Velvet understood and lifted her skirt out of danger's reach. Parfait gave a loud groan before cumming, the white sticky substance spilling over the hotel's bedsheets. Red Velvet pulled out, panting, before allowing himself to cum as well. He grabbed Parfait and dropped her onto a different part of the bed, ridding most of the threat from her.

"Ahh shit, we have to clean up," Red Velvet growled.

"Oh no! There's only a few minutes before the chauffeur leaves!" Parfait yelped in alarm, pointing to the hotel's clock.

"Fuck, okay, sugar just focuses on cleaning yourself up, I'll tidy the room," Red Velvet demanded and Parfait blushed with gratitude.

Oh well, maybe they'll have more fun tonight if Chiffon comes home late.


Word count: 855

First day of summer break and I'm finishing a smutshot at 6am 0v0. After this I'm going to plan out a summer learning schedule to learn social and science beforehand so I can get high grades for a good high school/escape plan -v-. (Though my daily plan still includes video making, writing, art, and fitness time XD)

Also tysm y'all for 10k+ reads <3

Anyways, hope this chapter's alright and have a good day/night!

- Crimson

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