❤️ Mocha Ray X Lobster🤍

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Ocean Stars🟢⭐
For: halopepsOwO

3rd person's pov

It was close to midnight, the stars glistened above the ocean causing little bits of ocean to glow despite being so deep underwater. The city of Sugarteara was silent, but not in a cold deserted way. Sure, it wasn't as lively as before, but it still felt like home.

Mocha Ray stood peacefully on the balcony connected to the temple she guards. Originally the temple stood alone, but the view tower had been added a few months after new cookies started arriving.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A voice asked from behind, kind of startling her.

Mocha Ray turned around to find Lobster swimming towards her with a tray of sweets. (They keep food dry with ✨magic✨)

"Oh, it's nothing," Mocha Ray said dismissively with a small smile, "The ocean is lovely tonight."

Lobster sighed annoyed and placed down the sweets on the nearby table stand. They spun Mocha Ray around to face them, nearly making Mocha Ray trip.

"Lo, be careful," Mocha Ray said to them.

"Mocha, darling I've known you ever since we started guarding this city and temple. You can't trick me, even if you somehow always radiate calm and happiness" Lobster growled, slightly upset that their girlfriend wasn't telling the truth, "You can- no- should tell me when you're upset or angry."

Mocha Ray sighed, knowing she couldn't trick her girlfriend. Despite only dating for 5 months, Lobster knew her since a long time ago. Mocha Ray didn't want to tell Lobster her feelings. I don't want her to get upset, Mocha Ray thought.

She had been thinking about what occurred exactly a year ago on this date. It was the riftraft that happened with the Pearl and their relationship. The Pearl which had been beautiful and safe had started freezing, making the whole city freeze as well. Lobster had tried to taint the Pearl with darkness, but Sea Fairy and the others there stopped her. Lobster did do this by suggestions and orders of Eerie Angler fish, but it was still their pet.

"I'm not lying, the city really is beautiful tonight," Mocha Ray said, and continued quickly before her girlfriend could interrupt, "It's just been an year and this city has grown and flourished once again."

Lobster froze, remembering what the date was. They tried not to let the tear slip from her eye. They told themselves to not show any signs of weakness as the city's main gatekeeper. It's my fault, if I didn't listen to my pet -Eerie Angler fish, I would've gotten the city back to normal without betraying everyone and Mocha Ray, Lobster thought with regret and a bit of sadness. Their pet had disappeared without a trace and although it was evil, Lobster still kind of missed it.

"Hey now, what matters is we're here now, right?" Mocha Ray said, noticing Lobster's expression, "Oh hey, those are some interesting candy choices you brought."

"What about it?" Lobster said.

"You said you didn't like green candy crystals," Mocha Ray said.

"Yeah, well they're for you," Lobster mumbled, "I'll only get you them just for today. I'm getting black instead after today."

"Awww you know I don't like black," Mocha Ray whined jokingly, "Wait!"

Lobster raised an eyebrow and Mocha said with excitement, "Why don't we host a party above and below the ocean for cookies to come to?"

"Why? They may not be trustworthy!" Lobster protested, quite surprised at her girlfriend'a sudden suggestion.

"Oh, it's won't be in our city, it'll be near the surface,"Mocha Ray reassured, "And we moved past the strict gaurd rules. As long as the cookie is peaceful, they can come in and live here."

Mocha Ray then hugged Lobster who hugged back nervously. They both needed to grow out of their fears, they had grown so far together after all.

"Land cookies helped us too, they helped fix the Pearl and rebuild the city," Mocha Ray soothed Lobster.

"I know,"Lobster muttered, "Well when will this party take place and where?"

"We can set it up by a nearby island. Sea Fairy, Moonlight, Sorbet, Peppermint, and some land cookies could help out and spread the invitation for 2 weeks from now," Mocha Ray suggested, warmth in her smile, "If that's alright of course."

"Of course I'm fine with that," Lobster said, "We can serve all the colors of the rainbow and black and white sugar shards except green."

"What! No, we should get all the colors except black!" Mocha Ray exclaimed.

"You have horrible taste," Lobster commented.

"No, you do!" Mocha Ray argued.

"We'll never agree," Lobster sighed but with amusement, "We can ask other cookie's opinions tomorrow."

"Alright," Mocha Ray said, "Come watch the starry water with me then."

"Sit down then," Lobster requested, floating into a sitting position.

Mocha Ray giggled warmly and did the same. She leaned comfortably into Lobster's shoulder and they both started into the ocean over their city. It was their city now, a city they ruled together happily, sharing the duty and trusting each other.

Silence fell over them, but Mocha Ray suddenly whispered to Lobster, "I still think green is better than black."

"And I still think the opposite," Lobster murmured, "But we can have half black and green, like how we share our city now."

"Then can we just sit here for the night?" Mocha Ray asked.

"Mm, yeah of course darling," Lobster hummed sleepily due to the heat Mocha Ray radiated.

Mocha Ray smiled and let herself drift off for once. Their city is safe, and she wanted to doze off with her love tonight...


Word count: 933
Sorry if their personality isn't very like them, I've never written Abt them yet
Have a gud day/night

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