🌧 Dark Cacoa X Fem!Y/n 🌧

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For: ShanelsVeryEmo 

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Noone's Pov

"I don't want to marry her!" Dark Cacoa growled at his father, the current king, "She's so stuck up and she-"

"Enough, it's already decided and you know it," His father snapped, "At least produce an heir! You should be grateful that I'm allowing you to let that girl live in the castle! If any citizen finds out, we'll have a lot of consequences!"

"I RATHER NOT LET Y/N STAY WITH US!" Dark Cacoa screamed, "She is verbally abused by Frappe and you treat her like she's nothing! Yesterday I caught Y/n nearly burnt by that bi-"

"She is nothing but a lost wanderer, Dark Cocoa!" The king yelled back, "Do not call your fiance that! And there is no proof she is doing that-"

"Y/n may be a wanderer but that doesn't mean her life doesn't matter!" Dark Cacoa loudly said, gripping his sword tighter.

"HER LIFE MATTERS BUT IT ISN'T GOING TO BE WITH YOU!" The king insisted, slamming his fist onto the throne, declaring it a final warning.

Dark Cacoa pulled back, then without his father's permission, left the throne room, seething with anger. He was furious, he wanted to send Frappe falling into the Licorice Sea. She was stuck up and addicted to sweets which were not his type of girl.

No, he loved you, Y/n, who had shown him how tough you could be if you wanted to. You showed him how strong women can get and how to have fun and loosen up. You were the one who managed to convince him some sweet food, f/f was tasty.

Dark Cacoa stormed outside instead of straight to your room. He knew that you often trained during the day, honing your skills to be able to shoot further and more precisely each time you used your bow and arrow. So he decided to take out his anger on some dummies with his sword.

The future Cacoa kingdom's leaders, a king with the sharpest swordsmanship skills on Earthbread and a queen with the most precise archery. That's what the two of them decided until his father abruptly announced his marriage. Y/n pretended that she wasn't upset behind her tough face, but Dark Cacoa saw through her.

Dark Cocoa flounced outside and allowed the bitter wind to bite his skin. The wind was picking up and a few snowflakes were falling on him now. No doubt there's going to be a storm soon, he thought, looking up to the sky-

-and then he froze. A feeling of ice penetrating his skull and spread quickly through his body, colder than the frozen land he lived in. 

Y/n's Pov

I reached my hand out to try to grab Frappe down with me, trying to get rid of her smirk, but my fingertips met nothing but snow.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed, terrified as gravity acted upon me making me plummet to my death...

...but my voice wasn't the only one to scream. I looked down to see Dark Cacoa witnessing the whole thing, shocked, but trying to pinpoint my position where I was going to fall to catch me.

Shit, I swore and tucked my head in with my hand. A second later, I felt my body slam against the Cacoa floor with such force that my body jumped forward with a hacked cough before -

- black.

Am I... dead? Oh no oh no oh no... who will care for my daughter? That wretched witch, if I get reincarnated I'm going to murder her! What will Dark Cacoa do? What will...

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