🤍 Electric Eel X Mocha Ray 🤍

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Name it if you want requestor cuz I will once I have the motivation

For: electriceelenjoyer electriceelenjoyer

Labels: 🤍

* Land au

No'ones Pov

Mocha Ray quickly returned from the grocery store when she heard there was an emergency from Electric Eel. She was ready for some monster to lunge at her, but instead, she found him fizzling with anger and electricity.

"Oh, what happened honey?!" Mocha Ray exclaimed, rushing to Electric Eel.

"H-hey, don't get too close, or I'm going to electrocute you!" Electric Eel yelled, snapping out of his trance and instinctively backing away.

"Well then, perhaps you could tell me what's wrong honey?" She pressed, and immediately, most of the electricity that was rising from his skin fizzled out, "What could've made you this upset?"

"I may have lit up all the bulbs in the house," He admitted, crossing his arms, "And then all the bulbs went 'boom!' and then THEY ALL BROKE! And some of the lights even set on fire, I had to get Sea Fairy to extinguish it!"

"I thought you learnt your lesson when you caused a whole city blackout!" Mocha Ray cried.

After a few seconds, she became her usual calm self, "Well, perhaps it was time to get new lightbulbs anyways."

"Hey, can we go shopping for new bulbs today?" Electric eel exclaimed, and when Mocha Ray hummed yes, he yelled, "HELL YEAH!"

They hired a technician to fix the other appliances, like the fridge, before going to 'Cookie-Kea.' (Ikea). Once inside, Electric Eel dashed forward in awe, going to the things he thought were cool and unique. 

They spent the rest of their morning hours spinning through beds- 

- "Should we get this bed? It says that it's waterproof," Mocha Ray suggested, "Our summer underwater home's bed is a bit old.." -

- Smelling candle scents and killing their noses - 

"Woah! Smell this one!" Electric Eel yelled, sniffing a cinnamon-scented candle, "Argh, too spicy!"

"This one smells quite nice," Mocha Ray commented, whiffing a vanilla-scented candle. -

- and eating lunch. - 

"Huh, what is this jam thingy? Blood?" Electric Eel mumbled and used his form to poke the pomegranate jam.

"It's Pomegranate Jam, it's really good," Mocha Ray reassured, starting with the vegetables after pondering if she should eat what she liked first or what she least liked.

- "This is really good!" He grinned, and in a flash, ate half the Swedish meatballs, "Not sure about the mushed potatoes... hey, candy let's get these candy things!" Then, he placed 2 bags of Daim chocolate into the cart.

Finally, afterwards, they did what they were meant to do, and hurried to the light sections. Electric Eel was immediately in awe of all the different lights there were. He rushed towards a LED light shaped like a ghost that emitted purple light and grabbed it.

"This is hella cute, we should buy it Mocha!" He said his mindset.

"Mm alright," She said, examining led curtain strings, "These remind me of the ivy and corals of the temple."

"Then get it!" He urged, then Electric Eel stopped a random cookie and asked, "What do you think? Red lamp? Or this golden one?"

They ended up piling up more than they could afford with the money on them onto their tiny staggering cart. They were forced to return half of the items and chose the more practical ones, which didn't suit Electric Eel well. 

Right after returning a few items, they got lost in the maze of Ikea and didn't know which way to turn.

"This is kind of like that creepy video game in Roblox," Electric Eel whispered to Mocha Ray, "Or maybe this leads us to the backrooms-"

"-Don't try to scare me!" She scolded, the idea of creepy monsters creeping her out more than the cake monsters that were foreign to her, "Also weren't we here only a few minutes ago? I remember that fake wine."

"Bahaha, we could roleplay as some fancy rich couple since we didn't last time!" He laughed, forgetting about the lights that weren't brought along,"Hey, I see an exit over there!"

It wasn't an exit.

"Perhaps we could buy some Tteokbokki with the money we have left," Mocha Ray suggested when they finally managed to find their way out.

"Alright then," He said grumpily, electric sparks coming out of the ends of his hair.

"Two plates of Tteokbokki please," Mocha Ray said, and handed the seller $4.50 ( 4455 won ).

They finished eating at a bench under a shady spot under the trees and happily ate their Tteokbookis. Afterwards, they went home and set up the lights around the house.

Mocha Ray looked at the burnt pieces of ceiling and wall, shaking her head, "We'll need to get someone to fix this."

"Sorry," Electric Eel shrugged.

He blocked his electricity and hugged Mocha Ray from behind, "Thank you for shopping lights with me!"

"It was merely me having fun as well," She said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Now, let's set these lights up!" Electric Eel exclaimed, unboxing the ghost one, "Also isn't Halloween two and a half months away?"


Word count: 822

I said I would probably post a week after my math camp ended, but it's really chill here and I woke up at 1:30 am thinking it said it was 5:30. I couldn't go back to sleep and wanted to do some writing, so here I am  after 2 hours :>

It's a good thing I did keep track of how long it took my to write though, since when school starts, I need to see roughly how long it takes me to write and how I can spread it out and mix it with another small writing I'm working on so I can do the other stuff I want. (Also holy crap, webtoon/manga writers write up to 12 hours a day?! I am very grateful to them.)

Anyways, hope this chapter was alright, have a good day/night. 

imma go back to sleep now

- Crimson

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