♣️ Licorice X Affogato ♣️

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Moving boxes to body

For: Iamthecollector2030

Labels: ♣️

No'ones Pov

Licorice hated Affogato a bit. Affogato was much more fashionable than him, according to Pomegranate. 

Affogato gave off dominance, like he was the one in charge. Technically he could always leave, but Affogato was being payed to be here. That's why Licorice disliked it. He was the one who summoned all those Licorice monsters on Affogato and The Dark Cacoa Kingdom, and he didn't even get much recognition from Dark Enchantress.

That was also why he likes Affogato. He liked how Affogato gave off dominance because he wanted to impress a higher upp. He felt like he didn't impress Affogato, with his droopy hair and rags, and that made him frustrated.

He couldn't even tell it to Poisonous Mushroom as he was too young and always acting like a fool nor could he tell it to Cat-Bat or Schwarzwalder as they had no interest in his love life. The other Cookies of Darkness members were an immidiate no-no.


Affogato disliked Licorice a bit. He found Licorice to be unfashionable, with his rags and slimy hair.

But for some reason, he decided, Licorice looked good. 

He liked how Licorice acted around him as well. Affogato knew generally what Licorice thought of him, and he liked it. He liked having power and knew Licorice wanted to please him. Licorice tried so hard to.

But no matter what Licorice did Affogato was never fully contented and never showed a hint of appraise for him...

Because Affogato wanted something more than just petty little compliments.


Damnit Licorice cursed inside his head, walking back from the cake tower.

Alot of his clothing and furniture got destroyed in a fire caused by Poisonous Mushroom's carelessness last week and the replacement packages finally arrived. The problem was, half the stuff were too heavy for him to carry by himself and he needed help.

He went to Cat-Bat for Schwarzwalder's help but was told by Cat-Bat Schwarzwalder went dress shopping for sparkling princess outfits. Licorice didn't question it but instead sighed annoyed and went to Pomegranate with dim hopes.

Like he thought, Pomegranate gave him a icy glare and was told off in irritation to 'go fuck off as she was busy.' Licorice left muttering about Pomegranate and instead went to the cake tower.

Unfortunately, (or fortunately), he was apologized and declined by Red Velvet when he asked for help. Red Velvet was starting another batch of cakes and suggested for Licorice to go to Schwarzwalder for help instead. 

Licorice slowly walked down the corridors of the Dark Enchantress Castle, knowing he'd have to ask Affogato for help as there was no-one else left except Dark Enchantress. He didn't mind getting help, but if he asked Affogato for help moving furniture he'd seem weak. He wouldn't impress Affogato at all. Not to mention, it didn't seem like Affogato liked to help move boxes.

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