♣️Knight X Dark Cacao (Altered Ages) 🤍

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For: MariiSugar

Labels: ♣️🤍

*This is a high school pov, Dark Cacao is 18, and Knight is 16

Noone's Pov

Dark Cacoa was the student council president and Knight was the Vice president. Dark Cacoa was the smartest in class with full scores and a 107 in one class and Knight had only full scores. Dark Cacao was from a successful and prosperous heritage line and Knight was from a noble and wealthy family line, but he knew it wasn't as successful. Dark Cacao had both girls and gals oooo over him and Knight was too busy looking at his crush to notice.

The problem was that the one cookie out of everyone Dark Cacoa could've chosen to be his crush was also the same. Princess. That made Knight want to beat Dark Cacoa even more.

So one day Knight was walking down the halls when he spotted a group of boys hiding behind the changing room doors looking at Princess and whispering. Knight sidled up to the just in time to see one of them go up to Princess and ask her for his permission to be her red carpet. Of course, Knight dragged him off before Princess could reply and told them off. They rolled their eyes and apologized and Knight was about to close the changing room doors when-

SHOVE. One of the guys pushed Knight into the room and started laughing. Knight whirled around and grabbed the handle but it was locked.

Shit Knight swore inside his head. He began pacing around when he heard the door creak open and a voice said 'Woah!'

He spun around just in time to see Dark Cacoa throwing empty threats as he got shoved into the locker room. The door clanged shut and now, Knight was stuck in the same room as his frenemy, or however, you may call their relationship.

"That fucking snake," Knight heard Dark Cacoa mutter furiously and he couldn't help but find that amusing, and he chuckled slightly.

"Knight?" Dark Cacoa said, noticing him standing there, "Ugh, these rats are getting out of hand. What are you laughing at?!"

"Oh, it's just you always appear so humble and brave in public," Knight admitted, holding a laugh as Dark Cacoa's anger seemed to grow.

"Well, you'd be angry too if you were on your way to ask Princess out when you get shoved," Dark Cacoa growled, and Knight tensed up angrily.

"Well, I was stopping mischievous boys from proposing to her, therefore, I would've stopped you too!" Knight snapped.

Dark Cacoa raised his eyebrow, before bursting into laughter. Knight's eyes widened in surprise.

"W-whats so funny?!" He squeezed stepping towards Dark Cacoa.

DARK Cacoa immediately replied, "Well, the fact is that you're so worked up over my future girlfriend and that that was so da- ARGHH-"

Dark Cacoa stumbled over the foot of a locker bench as he was stepping toward Knight making him topple over right on top of knight and straight into some lockers. He was above Knight in an awkward position he liked, as his elbow was above the seated Knight against the wall from when he attempted to stabilize himself. Knight was knelt down and his knee was in between Dark Cacoa's neck, and both became extremely flustered.

Dark Cacoa noticed how pretty Knight was without his helmet, with his caramel blonde tufts of hair and teal blue eyes, and Vice Versa. Knight was felt struck at how good Dark Cacoa looked with his dark chocolate brown hair, unique white streaks, and amysetst colored eyes. That's when they realized what they truly wanted, and both had to admit the other was good looking.

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