6: You Are Mine

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        Strands of my hair fell into my face as I welcomed the warm summer breeze. I embraced the heat against my skin. As I rolled my window down more, a few leaves carried by the wind fell into my lap. I picked one up and admired the beautiful colors. It was beautiful enough to belong to autumn. Perhaps it was an early autumn leaf. I turned it around and smiled at the wonderful shades of brown and green mixed together.

        I picked up another leaf and twirled its stem between my fingers. This leaf was lovely enough to belong to early winter. It was already brown and crisp. There was a hint of green and blue hues mixed in, but I preferred the early autumn leaf to it still. I gently let the wind carry it away. Perhaps it would land somewhere that it would be appreciated more.

        The third leaf I picked up was a charming green. It belonged wholly to summer. It was vibrant and perfect in every way. I frowned when the leaf was taken away from me. I turned to see him sitting in the driver's seat examining the summer leaf. Jake stared down at it with such sadness. I didn't want him to be sad. He should never be sad.

        "What's wrong?" He looked up from the beautiful leaf but not at me. His eyes went to the big screen ahead of us. The sun was setting behind it, the sky wonderfully pink and orange streaked. I was surprised to see a few stars peeking out from above. I wonder if anyone else noticed how breathtaking the sky was right now. I looked around at all the cars around us. Through the windows of each car, I could see people laughing with one another.

        "I brought you here... " I turned my attention back to him. He was so beautiful. "Because this is where I like to go when I've got a lot on my mind." He was absolutely beautiful. I reached for his hand. He took mine, looking down at it with longing.

        "I know," I whispered. I could almost hear his next words before he spoke them.

        "This place helps me think. I've never brought anyone here before." He lifted my hand to press his lips to my knuckles. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered uncontrollably. "Until now that is." He kissed my hand again. When he looked up to meet my gaze my heart thrummed.

        "What's wrong?" I asked again. He looked up at me and all I wanted to do was hold him. I wanted to make the sadness and worry in his eyes go away. I wanted to make him as happy as he makes me.

        "Just promise me one thing." If I could promise him the world I would do just that. I would do anything and everything for this man. Didn't he know he held my entire heart in his hands? He had no idea how much I wanted this moment to last forever. I wanted an eternity of just us sharing this one intimate moment. I could almost feel it slipping through my fingers. Feel him slipping.

        "Anything," I breathed. He leaned in closer. As if he had his own gravitational pull, my body moved to be closer to him. I yearned for him more than anything right now.

        "Promise... " I nodded. I would agree to anything he said. I would swear on my life for him.

        "Yes?" He leaned closer until his forehead was resting against mine. I could feel his breath against my lips.

        "That what we have, you won't have with him." I shook my head at the ridiculousness of it. How could he ever think that what we have I could ever have with anyone else? I only wanted him. I needed him.

        "I only want you," I whispered. I reached up to caress his face in my hands. His skin was soft and warm. I smiled as he reached up to hold my hands there, echoing the sentiment. He chuckled before brushing his lips against mine. I trembled as he kissed from the corner of my mouth to the hollow of my collarbone. His fingers grazed down to my wrists sending a heat throughout my body.

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