9: Mistrial. Investigation. Conflict of Interest.

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        "You have seconds to get your hand off of me." The threat was said in such a calm manner, but it was definitely a threat. David was still staring at me as he spoke to Jake. I was holding my breath as I waited for whatever was about to happen to happen. I should speak up, but how when I didn't have a voice? It was stuck in my throat. 

        "Look at where we're at right now," Jake told him. "We are standing in their driveway." My eyes shifted to where the living room window was. My mother wasn't there watching us which was a relief. Before they showed up at our house, she was in the basement. I imagine that's where she was now.

        "Get your hand- "

        "Did you even hear what I just said?"

        "Did you?"

        "You're acting like a brute." To this, David's eyes snapped to Jake. He narrowed his eyes, the muscles in his jaw tensing again. Before he could say anything, I interjected.

        "It's a car ride," I finally said. He didn't look up. He kept glaring at Jake. "Not much can happen... " I was right. David has to see that I was right. How did he not see how insane he was acting right now? He's never acted this way before and it was alarming.

        We stood there for about fifteen more seconds before David straightened. He smacked Jake's hand away before turning to leave. We watched as he got in his truck and slammed the door. I flinched from the action. When his truck roared to life, Jake and I both turned to go to his car. His hands were in fists as he walked around the car to open the door for me. I got in without saying a word. Before Jake closed my door I heard him swear under his breath.

        I watched as David backed out of the driveway and sped off down the street. Jake got in and put his car in drive. He didn't take his foot off the brake until David was out of sight.

        "Give him a head start," he said to himself. "Are you alright?" I thought about it, unsure of how to answer that. I wasn't close to being alright, but I think I was doing much better than expected.

        "Dandy," I answered. I kept glancing over at him as he drove. If he noticed I wasn't sure.

        "So are you gonna tell me?"

        "Tell you what?" He looked at me briefly when he came to a stop sign. He looked concerned. That was my fault. Maybe I should have just gone with David. It would have prevented the minor altercation they had.

        "What that was about?" He looked at me right as my face turned a bright red. I looked away quickly, biting my lower lip. Yeah, I definitely should have gone with David.

        "It doesn't matter," I grumbled. When I got the chance, I would talk to David. I doubt there will be a second we'll be alone, but I had to find an open window to do so. Talking to him didn't feel so much like an option as it did a necessary thing to do now. His behavior was uncalled for...

        "I thought the two of you were buddy-buddy." There was a bite to his words. I rolled my eyes. He was digging.

        "Don't worry about it."

        "Blair- "

        "I didn't come with you so we could talk about him," I blurted out. Jake pulled over before we got to the main road, putting his car in park. I folded my arms across my chest as I stared straight ahead. In my peripheral, I could see him turning a bit to face me. I swallowed, trying to not look guilty or ashamed.

        "Then why did you come with?" I can do this. Don't regret your decision now.

        "To talk to you... To make things better- " What if he didn't want to mend things between us? I hadn't considered that a possibility. I wasn't going to beg him to be with me again, but I did want us to be okay.

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