NAME: Aurelius Cretore - [Prounounced Or-ee-lee-us Cree-taw]
AGE: 19 Years Of Age
SECTOR: Ferrous - Politics [Full guide to sectors found at @Author_Games on "The Odds" workbook]
POSITION: 1st Assistant Gamemaker
STATUS: Gamemaking for 2 years.
SPECIALTY: At such a young age, it is hard to tell what Aurelius' specialty will be. However already he is showing a magnificent talent for creation of all things. As an apprentice, he is picking up talent of game-making structure under Malum.
PERSONALITY: Born in the politics Sector, Ferrous has always had access to high places and his affluent family name has swiftly taken him there. However, he is the first of his name to enter the realms of game-making, and has so far proven himself worthy. Capitol-bred, he takes great pleasure in physical beauty, but has lately begun to admire the subtle brilliance of metaphors and irony. He likes to joke around, but in terms of his work and position - Aurelius takes nothing more seriously and is ready to be as harsh and brutal in order to defend his title. After all, his entire family name is on the line.
APPEARANCE: Portrait above
Author Games: The Last Cannon
FanfictionEach year, every twelve Districts must offer up one male and female tribute to fight in this pageant. A fight for glory, for honour, and a fight for their lives. This year is the second Quarter Quell, the fiftieth Hunger Games. And as a striking re...