District 9 Male - BRAN GRAINFIELD

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NAME: Bran Grainfield

AGE: 12

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He is a petit skinny boy due to his poor upbringing. He has blonde hair and blue eyes inherited by his mother. He is pale with freckles, Big blue eyes, Messy blonde hair which he never washes due to his views on vanity being for weirdos. He also wears unflattering hand me downs due to the lack of money to even the necessities that they need to live.

PERSONALITY: He is the type of person who is innocent at one second and can suddenly turn into someone who is not nice to be around. He likes to be alone as he hates people who can be a bad influence on him. He loves those he is close and is very protective on their safety over himself. He works at the granary after school and he hates it due to the work being forced on everyone in district 9 but he can't decline due to the fact they need the money. He thinks that living in district 9 is a blessing as he has an amazing family and a curse as it it the poorest district in panem. He is very vocal on his views and has previously got in trouble due to this.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: Throwing Knives


LIFESTYLE: He is a right softie. He loves with his family (Mum, Dad and older sister) and they just make the most of the life they have. They have not had this exiting or eventful life but luck was never ever on his side at all. It was fate for him to be picked so he will try to obviously win no matter how slim the chances are

TOKEN: A [TEDDY] Bear which he has since birth

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now