TASK NINE: Cosmo Cavalli [1]

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The cheers are like deafening roars, all blurring into one mass of syllables. I pout my lower lip, cupping my hand to my ear as I lean towards them. I explode into a fit of giggles as they scream my name even louder. My head tilts back towards the sky as bills tickle my legs. I ignore the money as I wobble off the stage, blowing kisses behind me.

Purple light mixes with the smoothness of my skin, creating watery ripples. I reach out and touch my arm, unaware that I am slipping forward until the floor swallows me whole. The golden tiles cool my overheating body until I begin to float towards the colorful lights. I extend my arms out, ready for the journey towards the blue swirls on the ceiling. The journey stops halfway, when I am forced back onto shaking legs.

"Get it together." A voice commands, as he pulls me away. I look up at the man as I attempt to touch the gold that covers his face. He ignores me, but I continue to gaze into his deep, golden tinted eyes. The more I stare, the harder it is for me to remember who he is. As he drags me, I can hear the music getting softer.

"Wait." I whine, trying to get onto my feet. "I love this song." I begin to sing the lyrics but it occurs to me that I'm not quite sure what song is even playing. The sound lowers to a dull hum as the man sits me in a chair, away from the noise and lights. As the music gets lower, my thoughts become louder. My fingers connect with a jewel encrusted lighter before the man snatches it away.

I try and give him my best pout, the one that works on every single person I have ever used it on. He gives a single soft laugh before shaking his head. "Glivia, she goes on in twenty." The girl sighs loudly, but she jumps to her feet nonetheless. My eyes shift to her body, my mouth dropping open in awe. Her skin is the most fabulous shade of orange, as if the sunset was painted on her.

As she forces water down my throat, I watch her swishy movements. Jealousy burns in my throat, more cruel and painful than any drug that has ever entered my system. She leans over, readjusting the glitter that coats my eyelids. Sick with rage, I open my eyes and glare at her oversized breasts. "At least my money making orbs are real."

Glivia doesn't respond. Instead, she sighs quietly, finishing the glitter with a frown. "You know, we all looked up to you." She tells me, shaking her head sadly. "Now look. Cosmo Cavalli is a joke." She swishes away, and I can't take my eyes off of her.

"You're wrong." I shout after her, getting to my feet. My legs quiver, but I grab onto the chair for support. "You don't know me. I'm so fucking happy." In the silence of the room, I feel myself slowly slip down from the high I worked so hard to create. I bounce out the door, feeling my body sink back into the feeling I crave the moment the music hits.

"Dazzle me, dazzle me with gold.." I sing, my body swaying to the song.

Someone grabs ahold of my arm, and I spin around, expecting the golden man. Instead, a rather average looking man stares back at me. It's strange to see someone like him, free of artificial dyes in the Capitol. It's my own pure, unedited beauty that makes me a main attraction here, but I can't understand the look for the man.

"Cosmo Cavalli." He breaths, his voice thick with emotion. I watch him and his overwhelming joy, but there is nothing familiar about him. Unable to help himself, he devours me in a hug. I pat his back, but it isn't until I get a whiff of his cologne that his identity becomes clear.

I take a step away, unsure of how to react to his presence."Majesty, hi."

His smile takes over his face. "It's been, what? Five years?" I nod politely, but I don't know how long it's been. "Look at you, in the Capitol. You got your dream." I nod again, but I sway to another familiar song.

Majesty frowns at me, as he finally understands. "What's happened, Cos?" He asks, leaning in so his voice drills into my head. 

I try my hardest not to slur my words, but it takes more effort than I'm prepared for. "I'm fucking happy, that's what happened." He shakes his head, putting his hand on my shoulder. It's then that I notice the golden ring nestled on his finger.

Majesty watches me staring at the ring. "Her name is Carmen." He pauses, looking at me. He inspects every inch of me, slowly. "And now I know I made the right choice picking her." He turns away, but takes a final look at me. "Good luck, Cosmo."

As I watch him walk away, I feel an empty sort of pain forming in my chest. Confused, I push my way towards the back of the club. The familiar tuft of dark, golden hair catches my sight, and I nearly run towards it.

Casper smiles, his sea green eyes struggling to stay open. "I was wondering if I was going to see you tonight." He whispers as I straddle him, pressing my body against his.

I move my body to the music, grinding into the places I know he wants. "I need something." I whisper breathlessly. "Something new." He looks into my eyes before nodding.

"You owe me some alone time for this." He warns, but he knows we will both have forgotten the promise by morning. He slips his hand into his pocket, pulling out a tiny, pure white strip. "I haven't gotten it quite right yet." He warns, closing his fist so I can't grab it. "The beginning is fucked up."

Despite his warnings, I can't help but want the strip even more. I stick my tongue out, nearly gagging as he presses it on. My eyes water with disgust and my throat screams out for relief. Casper frowns."Good luck."

I open my mouth to ask him what I would need luck for, but before I can, it hits. Darkness smashes into my vision. Silence surrounds me. I'm unable to move my body. No words can escape my mouth. I'm crippled with fear.

"It's just you and me." I hear a voice say, despite the darkness. "Just one last time." She begs, and I can hear a deep, manly sigh. Light begins to flood my vision, slow and steady like a bad lightbulb. The faces are blurred, but both bodies have golden blonde hair. "Please."

The boy gives in, stretching forward and catching her lips in midair. She doesn't hesitate for a second before striping the remainder of her clothing. She stops for half a second, facing the boy. "I love you." She whispers, before pressing her body against his. Despite the quickness of their actions, there is a certain undeniable passion between the two. I feel strange, watching them move together in such a private way.

There is a deep, angry scream from the boy. I search for the girl, but he is alone, cradling a dart in his hand. He turns towards me, his face suddenly becoming clear. "What the fuck, Cosmo?" Castiel asks, charging towards me. I try and take a step back, but I'm stuck in place. Just as he is about to smash the dart into my neck, he crashes to the ground.

"I-" He struggles to breath, his face turning a nasty shade of the blue. He coughs violently, black tar running down his chin. His sea green eyes twist together in pain as he crumples into a ball. "I trusted you."

The boy fades away into a mess of darkness, and just like that, I'm alone again. I close my eyes tightly, my body trembling as I take a deep breath. It only takes a few seconds for the pounding music to flood its way back to my ears. "It's fucked up, I know. But you wait a few minutes..." I push myself away from Casper, suddenly realizing the boy he looks nearly identical to.

Glivia appears beside me, shaking her head at Casper. "Come on, Cosmo." She says softly, pulling me away. At the base of the stage, she pulls out a tube of bright red lipstick. As she applies it, she avoids eye contact. "Nothing a little Manic Panic can't fix, right?"

As I make my way onto the stage, a cloud of haziness begins to devour my memories. By the time I stumble to the top, Castiel is just a pretty name that means nothing. I can no longer feel the ache and pain that tried to claw apart my soul. My eyes catch on the mass of people, cheering my name. They are all I have, all I will ever need. I smile down at them. It's showtime.

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