Author Games: How to Play

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These fast approaching epic Author Games brings a surge of new contestants to the scene, and with that - Welcome to my fairly thick guide on how to play Author Games.


If you haven't impatiently skipped this, then you're most likely a beginner to the world of Author Games.

In short, this is a writing competition based entirely around the Hunger Games world. For this competition, the events will take place inside the 50th Hunger Games - The second Quarter Quell.

As an aspiring author, you reserve and create a tribute that is to enter the 50th Hunger Games. Each week, I as Gamemaker, will release tasks by posting them as chapters on this book. Using the character you submitted to me, you must respond to this task in your characters POV. These will be marked by myself, though your score may falter if other players have decided to kill your character that round. Those with the lowest mark each task will face public votes and from that, possible elimination from the competition.

It continues like this until the end until, like the Hunger Games, a sole survivor remains.


On this Saturday, 30th May, I will post a chapter named exactly:

Reservations - **!! NOW OPEN !!**

It'll have a lit of all of the possible spaces. As each of your characters will be in the same games, their stories will interweave and so we can't have five people from the same District and gender etc. Being the 50th games, there will be 24 female spots and 24 male spots, with two female spots already taken by the Champion and the No#1 seed. To reserve a spot, simply comment as appropriate. If you want the District Four female for example, comment "D4 Female". Simple.

It is a first come first save basis, and the comments will display who said what first. It can get pretty intense so from past experience, I suggest being ready at the newsfeed to comment at 10pmGMT when the chapter is posted. There are 48 places so I don't expect them to go quickly, however that doesn't mean to say the best Districts will stay around for long. The record for 28 spots being taken is exactly 45 minutes. Do not underestimate how quick certain Districts go.


After commenting on the reservations page, I will either deny or confirm your spot. I would only ever deny your spot if someone claimed it before you did. After having me confirm your space, head to my profile bio and click the link at the top of it. This is your tribute form and will be opened in time for you to follow out the forms instructions and create your tribute. Do not refresh the page. It might be worth writing it all out somewhere you can save, and then copying and pasting into the form itself.

NOTE: Your tribute MUST be original to your creativity. I know these are the 50th games but I am not accepting a Haymitch or a Maysilee. They don't exist in the AU.


As mentioned earlier, I will post a task each week that presents varying challenges to both the tribute you create, and you as a writer. The first task is a preliminary, and no one is eliminated. It will not be in the arena and will determine your starting score that you should aim to meet/exceed throughout the games. It will also determine somewhat of a sponsorship system - more of that in good time.

Some earlier tasks will have additional requirements for you to meet. There could be certain things you must add in your entry or it must retain a certain size. Either way, your execution of these additional requirements will greatly affect your scores.

Usually, your response to these tasks will be called "Entries". And you will send them to me via email to -

NOTE: please if you can, send them in the message box instead of as a saved document.


With each task comes tributes that must be eliminated from the competition. Each task will have a unique set amount of tributes that will be eliminated all until one remains. You can only be eliminated by being placed up for votes. This can only happen if your score does not exceed the barrier of each task, meaning numerous people will be placed up for votes each round and only a fraction of them will survive.

Your quality of writing will affect your score, but other competitors can also damage it. Each task, I will ask that you send a specific amount of ballots/in entry kills.

Entry Kills - where you physically kill/witness the death of another writers character in your task response.

Ballots - where you vote to kill a character without putting it in your entry.

If numerous writers decide they want you dead, your score will take heavy damage and you could end up facing votes.

Votes are done through comments and toward the end, PM's. There are certain things that can tip the scales of voting's such as your rank, your score and sponsorship. More on this later.

Unless said otherwise, you cannot vote for yourself or ask other people to vote for you, should you face the public vote.


These can be tricky as they are an indirect part of the Author Games. There are three types of alliances.

Fictional Alliance - An alliance created by characters. Your characters are allied and you mention them in your tasks as though your character is responding to them and such, but you have next to no communication with the other characters writer. This is seen usually only with Careers.

Alliance - This is when you and another writer get together and create a cohesion in your characters storyline. Together you plot where your characters stories will lead and like the fictional alliance, your characters are in actual in-game alliances, having each others back.

Truce - The trickiest and most personal alliance. Your characters in the games are not allied together and you are not expected to include their character in the entry, however as writers you agree that you will not kill or ballot each others character. But as I said, it is tricky. Whose to say the person you strike a deal with keeps their side of the bargain?

And with that, it is pretty much the detailed basics of how to play. The rest you usually pick up as you go however, any questions please do not hesitate to comment or send me a PM!


Now for the bit most of you probably skipped everything I wrote for xD I shall not deny you what you came for.

With a total of 67 names (some names entered twice etc), the name that was randomly picked to reserve their tribute before others is:

> IamSiobhan <



> FindingCallum <

Congratulations! I was tempted into picking two names. When you two see this, comment below to confirm you accept and I will send you a PM and you can begin to create your character!

Tough luck to the rest of you, but there are still 44 spots, and I hope I shall be seeing you fight for your favourite one this Saturday at 10pm GMT!

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