TASK SEVEN: Into Our Woods/QF

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Puzzle stands on the outer rim of the Gamemakers circle, clutching tightly to the railings as her anxiety takes flight. A few minutes later she bows her head and heaves a heavy sigh.

It was close, but still under the thick fog of burning ash and smoke, their bodies are identified.

District 5 Female - PETRA CALYPSO - bestsayings

District 5 Female - TARA STOLTMAN - EverydayAkwardness

District 6 Male - LIONEL ASTON - forever-unfulfilled

District 6 Female - GEORGINA TRAINE- MockingjayDivergence

District 7 Male - HYUNSHIK PARK - ElfOfResilience

District 11 Female - MIRIAM ROWEN - MagmaKepner [5]

District 12 Female - MINNIE HOWL - TheFactionless

"Don't feel bad!" Athena chirps, happy that her boys made it out alive... though barely. "There's always next year!"

Somehow Athena's words don't strike much comfort within Puzzle. Every year she roots for the outlining District and even with twice the amount of Tributes, the closest District to an outline is District Seven.

Aurelius smirks and moves away from the Gamemaking panel. The death toll was satisfactory enough for his liking. He turns to Malum, who has started to become a lot more active than usual. The older man looks at the large screen and watches each tribute recover from their wounds. The blast of the volcano destroyed so much that now it's anyones game. After a short while, the tributes begin to move away from the seeping lava, and take refuge at the cornucopia or in the depths of the jungle. 

"Let it rain." Malum says and nods politely. 

"Yes, sir." A man confirms and double taps the screen before him. Soon, a light downpour thickens and fills the arena with drinkable water. A nuisance to some, but sure to be a blessing to these last few survivors.

"What next?" Athena grins with excitement at the experienced Head Gamemaker. Verbally, he ignores her. And instead answers her question by sliding a red book out of his pocket. He looks back at the screen and frowns.

"I think it's time we gave our brave warriors a little rest."



Welcome to task seven.

Malum is a majestic man and admires a good story above all else. He is kind, strict and reasonable. With ten of you left, the capitol will be going crazy for betting and sponsorships. Now is the last time to prove that you can win. Because now is the last time scoring matters. Ladies and Gentlemen and everything in between... Welcome, to the Quarter Final.

In your task you must BASE what happens in your response and characters storyline on the well known fairytale I have given you. This can be in any form from a flashback to something that happens in the arena itself.

District 1 Female - COSMO CAVALLI [1] - Beauty and the Beast

District 1 Male - CASIMIR LYONS - The Lion King

District 1 Male - CASTIEL LYONS - Hansel and Gretel

District 2 Female - VALERIA THRACIUS [3] - Mulan

District 2 Male - STERLING EVEREST [2] - Pinocchio

District 3 Female - MIA CIRCUIT - Princess and the Frog

District 4 Female - REN PELAGIA [9] - The Little Mermaid

District 4 Female - NAERISSA MERIDIAN - The Snow Queen

District 4 Male - SAMUS KUMAMOTO - Alice In Wonderland

District 7 Male - AUTUMN HARLOW - Little Red Riding Hood


For this task you don't have to kill anyone in your entry. If you do, it won't count as a death and will be for dramatic effect only. You may have two ballots, three if you're ranked and four if you're sponsored.


Cosmo Cavalli and Autumn Harlow, you two are sponsored for this task. You don't have to show yourself getting a sponsorship in your entry in order to receive you sponsor bonuses, but you can if you want. Your bonus was being able to choose which fairytale you based your entry on.


The deadline for this task is the 19th July 2015, 10PM [GMT]

For this task, you have no word limit. 

You must hand in your completed entry to Jackwardsauthorgames@gmail.com

No one can save you now.

Good luck ;)

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